MN-Fish 2023

  • Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Please feel free to join in on the FB conversation. Only way I’ve found I could get a response.

    “MN-FISH is hard at work to help create better fishing across Minnesota.
    You can join the fight by becoming a member and make sure to check out our Fall fundraising efforts at for the “World’s Greatest Fishing and Hunting Auction” taking place Sept. 12-17, 2023.”

    “Brian Klawitter
    Just how does MN-FISH feel these are accomplishments (for MN-FISH)?”

    “Steve Pennaz
    Brian Klawitter Since 2018, MN-FISH has been working hard to get the state to reinvest back into fishing, something it hasn’t done in many years. The message found fertile ground in the governor’s office, DNR leadership and the legislature, and helped deliver a historic investment *(nearly $100 million) for anglers this year. Make no mistake, this would not have happened without MN-FISH.”

    “Brian Klawitter
    Steve Pennaz one would never know MN-Fish was doing anything since 2018 because they never respond to their emails and the annual letters that come out are very sparse of information.”

    Brian Klawitter we use social media, quarterly enewsletters and president messages to share news. Member communication is a priority and we have worked the past year to do a better job.”

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13394

    If it wasn’t for MN fish being mentioned on IDO would of never known it existed.

    Posts: 24668

    If it wasn’t for MN fish being mentioned on IDO would of never known it existed.


    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11085

    Thanks for the 2 lines comment.

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 8983

    I have a facebook account and even with all their detailed algorithms forcing applicable ads, pages, and so on down my throat…I’ve never once stumbled across MN Fish anywhere but on IDO.

    Whatever they are doing, it’s not moving the needle if someone who actively is involved in MN fishing and online platforms hasn’t even heard of them.

    I’ll set the countdown to their social media site being inactive and the operation being defunct and 2 years from today.

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12448

    I’ll set the countdown to their social media site being inactive and the operation being defunct and 2 years from today.

    I’d take that bet. MN Fish has a ton of corporate support, so I don’t see them going anywhere. They were never designed to represent actual MN anglers and issues important to us imo, it’s a corporate lobbying group that is trying to get more public support which would make their lobbying more powerful than *just* representing the big fishing related companies. And I don’t mean to make that sound totally negative, there was a lot of funding dedicated this session to the DNR/MN Fish requests on Hatcheries and Boat Accesses. But due to corporate ties they will never wade into anything remotely controversial (ie Mille Lacs, 2 Lines etc.).

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 8983

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>buckybadger wrote:</div>
    I’ll set the countdown to their social media site being inactive and the operation being defunct and 2 years from today.

    I’d take that bet. MN Fish has a ton of corporate support, so I don’t see them going anywhere. They were never designed to represent actual MN anglers and issues important to us imo, it’s a corporate lobbying group that is trying to get more public support which would make their lobbying more powerful than *just* representing the big fishing related companies. And I don’t mean to make that sound totally negative, there was a lot of funding dedicated this session to the DNR/MN Fish requests on Hatcheries and Boat Accesses. But due to corporate ties they will never wade into anything remotely controversial (ie Mille Lacs, 2 Lines etc.).

    I see your points and reasoning.

    I think what people think or hope MN Fish is and what it really is are two vastly different things. I’ve never been more glad to NOT be a member.

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11085

    IDK guys, as a life member and a frequent donator I still have faith that someone will listen to the 2 line issue.
    I will give them another year or so.

    Posts: 1122

    Hey EPG. Take a listen. Not only are they not in favor of 2 lines, they are LOBBYING against it. August 27 Podcast FFWD to the 25:00 mark

    and I quote

    the 2 line thing that was recently passed was not for multispecies, it was only for catfish and bottom fishing, and nothing else….and now we have all this controversy…..and do you REALLY, I’m mean REALLY think you can handle 2 lines

    I literally laughed out loud listening to that podcast because it was so comical. ) And these are your guys running MN-FISH

    I completely agree with the corporate vision on this. They are 100% moving in a direction of what is good for the business side of fishing (and those that run them) and yes that trickles down to all of as well, but don’t let anyone fool you, there is a LOT of $ changing hands and as bad as our tax system is, you probably are still getting more bang for your buck through state agencies and the MNDNR than some lobbying group…and that’s not saying much.

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12448

    Yeesh, first of all, “Reel Talk Outdoors brought to you by MN Fish which is sponsored by Lund boats…”.

    Second of all, I agree 2 lines is difficult to handle if you are jig fishing…but that is the primary tactic for walleye for a couple months in the spring. After that I’m running lindys, bottom bouncers, bobbers or trolling all of which would be positively impacted by 2 lines.

    And as for Tom’s rhetorical why? Because catching fish is fun, sure the “thump” is fun too, but more kids get started fishing by bobbers than jigs, and giving them a positive experience by catching more fish is a positive for fishing.

    Also FWIW these guys can’t figure out a mute button or how to hang up on a busy signal on their radio show? And they are supposed to be in-tune with modern society!?!?! roll roll

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Tom is on the board of MN-Fish.

    but more kids get started fishing by bobbers than jigs

    These guys are guides…lake guides. They know you can’t teach an inexperienced angler how to use a bobber and leach with ONE rod without gill hooking them much less two. “The hooking mortality would be crazy”~ Tom Nuestrom 2019 MN DNR Roundtable

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12448

    These guys are guides…lake guides. They know you can’t teach an inexperienced angler how to use a bobber and leach with ONE rod without gill hooking them much less two. “The hooking mortality would be crazy”~ Tom Nuestrom 2019 MN DNR Roundtable

    Tom was also Gov Walz’s personal guide during his private fishing opener with the tribe, that was NOT the MN Governors Fishing opener celebrated with the whole state.

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11085

    Hmmmmmm –
    I’m hoping to share my opinion with Tom next Thursday when I’m in his boat.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22107

    I thought mn fish was going to take claim to all the bait fish they were talking about at the beginning of that broadcast or podcast what ever it may be

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Hmmmmmm –
    I’m hoping to share my opinion with Tom next Thursday when I’m in his boat.

    Say Hi for me!

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11085

    I still have an open seat wink

    Mahtomedi, MN
    Posts: 11054

    Because catching fish is fun, sure the “thump” is fun too, but more kids get started fishing by bobbers than jigs, and giving them a positive experience by catching more fish is a positive for fishing.

    This is the exact reason bass fishing has exploded with kids and high schools around the country. Catching fish is FUN and you usually catch fish when you bass fish. You don’t have to go to a destination lake to have good fishing. If you want to keep the kids interested in fishing they need to be catching fish.

    Say what you want about bass fishing, but they have the formula down and it drives the fishing industry.

    Every time I get the MNFish monthly letter I see one or two small accomplishments that largely have little effect on anything followed by a bunch of filler.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17391

    I’ll keep my well known opinion of MnFish to myself on this one.

    Posts: 1031

    Can someone explain why fishing corporations would be opposed to two lines. I would think companies that sell tackle, rods/reels, line etc would sell more product if it passed.

    and I quote

    the 2 line thing that was recently passed was not for multispecies, it was only for catfish and bottom fishing, and nothing else….and now we have all this controversy…..and do you REALLY, I’m mean REALLY think you can handle 2 lines

    This is a great way to urine off members.

    Can I handle two lines? Ahhh yea just like rest of the states. Seems like an insult to MN fisherman. Or he is just incredibly ignorant on the subject.

    Did the recent two line rule cause lots of controversy? I haven’t seen any but I’m not on the facebooks either.

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11085

    ^^^^^No doubt!
    Maybe we all here in MN are dumb compared to all the fisherman from surrounding states who can fish multiple lines in soft water.

    Posts: 3319

    Ask good old Tom if he has ever fished in another state AND used 2 lines while he was there? whistling

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Anyone taking bets if I’ll get a reply??

    Glad no one took my bet. I received a private message last night from MN-Fish…

    3.2K people like this
    Community Organization
    MN-FISH is responding to a comment you made on their Page.

    We haven’t taken a position on it.”

    You guys are leaning towards MN anglers not being smart enough to use two lines. I’m going to suggest this “bubble of guides” are not smart enough to teach an newbie angler how to fish two lines.

    Just my opinion.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Did the recent two line rule cause lots of controversy? I haven’t seen any but I’m not on the facebooks either.

    I’ve heard nothing but positive comments with the exception of the rest of the in-land water fishermen asking why it can’t be state wide. None of the P2 walleye fishermen are up in arms.

    That’s what’s nice about being ALLOWED to fish with two lines. It’s not like it’s mandatory. No one is forcing you to use them, even though we are being told that we can’t.

    Posts: 1805

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>FinnyDinDin wrote:</div>
    Did the recent two line rule cause lots of controversy? I haven’t seen any but I’m not on the facebooks either.

    I’ve heard nothing but positive comments with the exception of the rest of the in-land water fishermen asking why it can’t be state wide. None of the P2 <strong class=”ido-tag-strong”>walleye fishermen are up in arms.

    That’s what’s nice about being ALLOWED to fish with two lines. It’s not like it’s mandatory. No one is forcing you to use them, even though we are being told that we can’t.

    It’s funny, I have been a big supporter of 2 lines and I think did it twice all summer on p2. And I saw very few boats who appeared to take advantage. Anecdotally I would say it’s having zero impact. I thought the shore anglers fishing set lines would make trolling difficult and it was no different than past years.

    I thought I’d use 2 trolling solo and I never did. When most of the fish are within 15-20 feet of the shore it doesn’t make a ton of sense. The times I did it, I soaked a crawler under a float while casting and that was pretty darn effective. To say that this is only for cat fish guys is just stupid.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    DW from what I can see, I don’t think “most” people know about it.

    I know it’s hard to believe but not everyone comes to IDO. )

    Would you agree with that statement?

    Posts: 1805

    DW from what I can see, I don’t think “most” people know about it.

    I know it’s hard to believe but not everyone comes to IDO. )

    Would you agree with that statement?

    Yep. I’m sure IDO wasn’t the only source sharing this info but the DNR didn’t exactly publicize it. Will be interesting to see if they call any attention to it when releasing next year’s regs (since I’m pretty sure this was approved well after this year’s regs were published).

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    (since I’m pretty sure this was approved well after this year’s regs were published).

    That is correct. When I asked the DNR if they were going to announce it they said they did and sent along the press release. It was as small note towards the bottom of the release. I missed it and I read each one of them!

    Posts: 1805

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>dirtywater wrote:</div>
    (since I’m pretty sure this was approved well after this year’s regs were published).

    That is correct. When I asked the DNR if they were going to announce it they said they did and sent along the press release. It was as small note towards the bottom of the release. I missed it and I read each one of them!

    Hahah. They’re just like, “let’s get this damn Darren guy off our backs, we’ll just approve it, bury it, and pretend it never happened.”

    Let’s hope the CO’s read the internal memos. Oh wait, I’ve never seen a CO on pool 2.

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13394

    The majority of the state has no idea pool 2 is open to fish year round or catch and release. 20 years from now they still won’t know about fishing two lines.

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