Some positive news
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Some positive news
wasn’t there recently a thread here where everyone was losing their minds about the increased boat registration fees that were funding programs like this?
There was, and I think the consensus was that if the money would be well spent that most guys had no problem with it (including myself)
That was a weirdly written story. They say $150 million invested in “Get out More”, yet then say $5million in shore fishing. Is the $60million for hatchery’s included in Get out More?
If so, where is the other $85million going? If not where is the other $145milly going? Timmy’s bank account?
wasn’t there recently a thread here where everyone was losing their minds about the increased boat registration fees that were funding programs like this?
So does all the MN DNR fees go into the States’ general fund then reallocated back to the DNR? If so, wonder how many fingers are in that cookie jar
I thought the same thing Munchy, but Bob FM ain’t exactly the NYT either…
Here’s the DNR page with all the projects.
I thought the same thing Munchy, but Bob FM ain’t exactly the NYT either…
Here’s the DNR page with all the projects.
Ahhh, that makes it a little bit clearer, I guess.
I even followed the link at the end of the story and it just talked about hatcheries, nothing to do with anything else.
One of my goals this year is a 50″ musky off one of my local piers. I see alot of people on Facebook that harsh on these kind of projects, but pull in a giant fish while theres a bunch of little kids playing in the water or catching sunnies nearby and watch them as they instantly become hooked on fishing. Shouldn’t be too hard either I’ve pulled a 55″ fish from the shore on that lake.
If so, where is the other $85million going? If not where is the other $145milly going? Timmy’s bank account?
Here’s the DNR page with all the projects.
Jump to conclusions much?
That was a weirdly written story. They say $150 million invested in “Get out More”, yet then say $5million in shore fishing. Is the $60million for hatchery’s included in Get out More?
If so, where is the other $85million going? If not where is the other $145milly going? Timmy’s bank account?
You cant help but wonder about the comparison between Timmy’s team and the USAID debacle. Same brand of people. The parasite class.
The “parasite class” seems pretty bad, but not as bad as the “to lazy or stupid to look up the budget that is published and even has a link provided in this thread” class.
Jump to conclusions much?
Well seeing the reports of fraud and waste that has been coming out lately, and that Timmy has been ignoring it all for the past few years. It’s a fair conclusion to make.
But your paid off news media probably has ignored that, right?
The “parasite class” seems pretty bad, but not as bad as the “to lazy or stupid to look up the budget that is published and even has a link provided in this thread” class.
Please point out the link that was provided that shows the information I asked about. I’ll wait…
Its literally three posts up. Has all the expenditures, the goals, information on what expectations will be, definitions of modernization. You quoted his post. Never mind this isn’t going to work out, go see HR. Oh my bad its a quote of the link that was provided 5 posts up so its on here twice.
Its literally three posts up. Has all the expenditures, the goals, information on what expectations will be, definitions of modernization. You quoted his post. Never mind this isn’t going to work out, go see HR. Oh my bad its a quote of the link that was provided 5 posts up so its on here twice.
Ummm, yeah… that was posted by BigWerm in response to my question AFTER I asked the question, not before, otherwise I’d be asking BW about tonights lotto numbers.
Meet the “too lazy to scroll to the top of the thread” class
Its literally three posts up. Has all the expenditures, the goals, information on what expectations will be, definitions of modernization. You quoted his post. Never mind this isn’t going to work out, go see HR. Oh my bad its a quote of the link that was provided 5 posts up so its on here twice.
I’ll wait…..for you to print out the 58 page document and hand deliver it to me. Until then I’ll continue with wild assumptions and keep shaking my fists at clouds.
The “parasite class” seems pretty bad, but not as bad as the “to lazy or stupid to look up the budget that is published and even has a link provided in this thread” class.
You seem upset. Did I touch a nerve? BTW calling me stupid is a personal attack and against the rules of conduct so get your $hit together and act right.
I didn’t call you stupid, there were other options. And yes you did touch a nerve. You are basically accusing everyone in the state government of siphoning and misusing funds. Believe or not we are not the entire government isnt a corrupt machine designed to waste your money. I use these publicly accessible amenities on a daily basis and political bias that can undermine my access is going to urine me off. And yes calling someone stupid is insensitive, I learned yesterday in my inclusiveness training that “dense” is a better term to use.
I didn’t call you stupid, there were other options. And yes you did touch a nerve. You are basically accusing everyone in the state government of siphoning and misusing funds. Believe or not we are not the entire government isnt a corrupt machine designed to waste your money. I use these publicly accessible amenities on a daily basis and political bias that can undermine my access is going to urine me off. And yes calling someone stupid is insensitive, I learned yesterday in my inclusiveness training that “dense” is a better term to use.
Meet the “too lazy to scroll to the top of the thread” class
Yeah guilty on all charges there sorry.
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