If me getting my nephew up out of bed on a Saturday morning at 5:00am, having him dress for frost, hike a 1/3 of a mile through the woods in the dark quietly, then sit silently in a tree for a few hours watching the sun rise is somehow ruining him or society…all because it’s a few weeks earlier than a grown man gets to do it with an opportunity for harvest……….than I fully admit I am the problem with modern society and youth today
Add me to the list of scapegoats for some people.
Just my $.02
Just like me you are entitled to your opinion.
” If me getting my nephew up out of bed on a Saturday morning at 5:00am, having him dress for frost, hike a 1/3 of a mile through the woods in the dark quietly, then sit silently in a tree for a few hours watching the sun rise ”
Nothing you said here could not be done in a few weeks when the regular season opens. My question for you is why do you see a need to do it in a special season ?