MN deer harvest

  • Youbetcha
    Wright County
    Posts: 3120

    Surprised to see only 14 out of carlos avery and 16 out of Shurburne refuge.

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 8973

    Knock em’ dead folks! Fill your tags and buy more bonus tags too. My trees and vehicles thank you immensley. On Friday night I took a spotlight off the porch to our freshly combined field behind the house and had 26 sets of eyes looking back at me.

    Reef W
    Posts: 3178

    My zone (130) isn’t even on the list yet. Last year there were 4 via archery coffee

    Posts: 1204

    Surprised to see only 14 out of carlos avery and 16 out of Shurburne refuge.

    I used to hunt the shurburne refuge and have some friends that still do. The numbers have been trending down out there for some years now. Last year my friends group got 1 deer for 6 of them and little shooting around them. He was just out there scouting and said there was virtually no sign. They hunt area c which is only open for the firearm season.

    Wright County
    Posts: 3120

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Youbetcha wrote:</div>
    Surprised to see only 14 out of carlos avery and 16 out of Shurburne refuge.

    I used to hunt the shurburne refuge and have some friends that still do. The numbers have been trending down out there for some years now. Last year my friends group got 1 deer for 6 of them and little shooting around them. He was just out there scouting and said there was virtually no sign. They hunt area c which is only open for the firearm season.

    I hunt it a bit and it seems to be getting better honestly. Different area though

    Posts: 4357

    Wish I could hunt at my house but its in town. Mama doe is getting pretty territorial. She was snorting at me from 5 feet away while I was trying to get in my truck on friday. Saturday they stood in the garden 30 feet away while my daughter shined a flashlight at them. Last night when they took the dog out to go potty there was a buck standing in the driveway staring at them.

    Jimmy Jones
    Posts: 3191

    Knock em’ dead folks! Fill your tags and buy more bonus tags too. My trees and vehicles thank you immensley. On Friday night I took a spotlight off the porch to our freshly combined field behind the house and had 26 sets of eyes looking back at me.

    So…. do I have permission to hunt there? I use a muzzy?

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18754

    Second season allowing a crossbow for the general population during archery season in MN. Not sure how that is affecting the harvest but when WI added that years ago, it progressively added more hunters during the archery season.

    Weather often plays a big role, as the OP stated. It was very warm in September. There is a youth and firearms anterless season that starts on Thursday but the weather does not look very good. Warm and windy.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22038

    Second season allowing a crossbow for the general population during archery season in MN. Not sure how that is affecting the harvest but when WI added that years ago, it progressively added more hunters during the archery season.

    Weather often plays a big role, as the OP stated. It was very warm in September. There is a youth and firearms anterless season that starts on Thursday but the weather does not look very good. Warm and windy.

    Nothing bad about those windy days. 70 isn’t ideal but I took my buck when it was mid 80s. I didn’t realize the youth hunt is this week. Wonder if the kid wants to do it. Or if he finally is at the point where the guns can be a very last resort.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18754

    I think it’s safe to say you don’t necessarily represent the casual deer hunter that buys a license. You seem pretty die hard and dedicated to it, as do most regular posters on here. So a little warmth or gusty winds is probably not going to stop you. But weather certainly plays a role in the overall harvest because average Joe deer hunter is generally not hunting in those conditions, and if they are, they aren’t out very long.

    I am pretty sure both the youth and early antlerless season run Thurs-Sun.

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 8973

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>buckybadger wrote:</div>
    Knock em’ dead folks! Fill your tags and buy more bonus tags too. My trees and vehicles thank you immensley. On Friday night I took a spotlight off the porch to our freshly combined field behind the house and had 26 sets of eyes looking back at me.

    So…. do I have permission to hunt there? I use a muzzy?

    I did have a former poster here come harvest 2 does with his son one year, that was pretty cool to give them the opportunity.

    I’m not against giving people permission, but now I’ve got a nephew who is interested so with him and his dad coming and going as they wish…we’re not letting any non family members hunt for now

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22038

    I think it’s safe to say you don’t necessarily represent the casual deer hunter that buys a license. You seem pretty die hard and dedicated to it, as do most regular posters on here. So a little warmth or gusty winds is probably not going to stop you. But weather certainly plays a role in the overall harvest because average Joe deer hunter is generally not hunting in those conditions, and if they are, they aren’t out very long.

    I am pretty sure both the youth and early antlerless season run Thurs-Sun.

    Yeah you are right it starts Thursday. Crazy that it’s here already. We typically partake, but he just said he wants to duck hunt the mornings or fish, and try the bow in the evenings again. We will see when Thursday rolls around.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22038

    If I read it right, over 3000 of those were taking by x bow.

    Full draw
    Posts: 1492

    I think it’s safe to say you don’t necessarily represent the casual deer hunter that buys a license. You seem pretty die hard and dedicated to it, as do most regular posters on here. So a little warmth or gusty winds is probably not going to stop you. But weather certainly plays a role in the overall harvest because average Joe deer hunter is generally not hunting in those conditions, and if they are, they aren’t out very long.

    I am pretty sure both the youth and early antlerless season run Thurs-Sun.

    You are 100% correct. Lots of people hold out because they don’t want to hunt in the heat.
    Truth is the deer are moving when it’s warm in September. They just shed their summer coats by the time opener comes around.
    September is a great month to get on those bucks that are still hanging onto the summer pattern. Once the velvet comes off and those summer food sources start changing the clock is ticking till the shift. Not to mention that lots of bucks are shifting their core areas by the time October hits.

    Jimmy Jones
    Posts: 3191

    I did have a former poster here come harvest 2 does with his son one year, that was pretty cool to give them the opportunity.

    I’m not against giving people permission, but now I’ve got a nephew who is interested so with him and his dad coming and going as they wish…we’re not letting any non family members hunt for now

    My comment was tongue -in-cheek, but thanks anyway. I have two really great properties to hunt in Wabasha county, one during the regular A season and another during the muzzy season. Plenty of deer at both locations.

    Posts: 2814

    Knock em’ dead folks! Fill your tags and buy more bonus tags too. My trees and vehicles thank you immensley. On Friday night I took a spotlight off the porch to our freshly combined field behind the house and had 26 sets of eyes looking back at me.

    No problem, bucky. Out of the sets of eyes, how many sets of antlers were there? Thanks. Gratefully and humbly awaiting coordinates, so as to help with your dilemma mrgreen

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12446

    I’ve never really followed the harvest #’s live, just once the seasons are wrapping up. That is a cool tool tho, thanks for sharing Michael!

    Personally, I think the average hunter hunts opening gun, and maybe second weekend, and that’s it. For bow hunters it’s a wide range. Some guys sit all the time often in the same spots on private, others lose some steam after not seeing anything early, some (like me) wait until the corn is cut and rut is picking up, and some guys just go hard all season. I don’t know if there is any sweeping general proclamations to make across the board with bowhunters.

    are we taking numbers then, or how are we handling this? Can I introduce my sons to your daughters/nieces? whistling rotflol jester

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18754

    Personally, I think the average hunter hunts opening gun, and maybe second weekend, and that’s it.

    This seems to be accurate. That’s why the majority of the deer harvest overall is affected by opening weekend of deer firearms weather. If the weather that specific weekend is poor, then the harvest takes a big hit. Its just simple math, really. When you the have majority of hunters out during a specific 2 day period, that’s when you either bag the most deer or you don’t.

    My guess is that the harvest will take a hit this upcoming Thurs-Sun with warm and windy conditions presented for the youth and early anterless firearms season.

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 8973

    ^Werm – my daughters aren’t allowed to communicate with males besides relatives until age 25, so they will be waiting a while smash

    We are small fish down here. We do our part and harvest a few deer per year off our land (90 acres) and the in-laws (280 acres) when we take the time to do so. The issue is the larger landowners who run 800-1000 acres of ag land, own another 400+ wooded and don’t harvest any deer whatsoever off any of it. This creates high deer densities and compounds the issues of ag damage, trees being mowed down by deer, and car kills.

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12446

    The issue is the larger landowners who run 800-1000 acres of ag land, own another 400+ wooded and don’t harvest any deer whatsoever off any of it. This creates high deer densities and compounds the issues of ag damage, trees being mowed down by deer, and car kills.

    Yeah, I’ve tried to get access to the mega farms, and just finding someone to talk to is tough, and then they typically say no bc they want to lease it out…but then rarely end up doing it.

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12559

    I know several serious deer parties that are not real big fans of either the youth or early anterless seasons. I always find this odd as all the parties have a fair # of youths in them and they like to harvest a few Doe’s to have in the freezer. I think their main reasoning is they feel like those early season mess up the hunting some for the normal season. What are all of your thoughts on the 2 early seasons?

    Posts: 24581

    I dont know that the early youth season really messes anything up. I have taken my boys for several years. Not sure I will take my youngest this year or not. The deer numbers are so far down and add in the fact its been a CWD zone for like 10 years its just such a hassle. Last time my son shot a doe during early season and they had no drop spot for the carcass.

    Wright County
    Posts: 3120

    I know several serious deer parties that are not real big fans of either the youth or early anterless seasons. I always find this odd as all the parties have a fair # of youths in them and they like to harvest a few Doe’s to have in the freezer. I think their main reasoning is they feel like those early season mess up the hunting some for the normal season. What are all of your thoughts on the 2 early seasons?

    I think its a good opportunity for youth. As far as it ruining gun season I think guys like to find anything to blame but themselves for not being successful. I can get into plenty of deer pretty easily on public in the heart of gun pressure.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18754

    The DNR can generally see that average hunter age is increasing and participation is on the decline, so they trying to create new opportunities for people to buy licenses. After all, license sales represent a signficiant portion of their budget, which includes their salaries. Its simple math.

    Generally speaking I am not a fan of having special seasons outside of the general hunting season. They never existed when I was growing up as a hunter. If I wanted to go, I went on opener like everyone else did.

    I have some die hard compound archery hunters who were dead hell against the idea of the general population using a crossbow during the “archery” season too, but they knew it was inveitably coming.

    Just my opinion of course and I’m sure there will be some that disagree. Sometimes you gotta shoot a hostage.

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 8973

    I support the youth season. Get kids out in the woods with fewer people present, easy weather to sit in, and a high chance of success.

    I agree Youbetcha. It’s always the “youth hunt messed stuff up, neighbor shoots everything, weather was wrong, wolves ate them all, poachers, harsh winters, etc” that are the reason some of those people don’t harvest deer. It’s never a look in the mirror to admit they should have put more time in the woods, moved stands, got out and patterned deer with cameras, tried a food plot or water, etc. Just like with fishing – I try to learn more from my days that were a struggle than my days that were successful from the very start.

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12446

    As far as it ruining gun season I think guys like to find anything to blame but themselves for not being successful.

    Ding ding ding! Agreed 100%, I’m all for additional opportunities in the field and will adapt with the circumstances as needed. I’m looking forward to this weekend as my brother and nephew youth hunt, and I’ll be in the blind with my bow and my oldest and my other nephew who are too young for the youth season. It’s good intro for all of them. My only gripe is early antlerless, they should just extend the entire season instead. The gun season is too short and therefore weather dependent imo.

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 8973

    ^Good Luck Werm. Enjoy those memories out with the kids!

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12559

    I’m not a big fan of the early seasons. I just don’t see the need for them. To me its just more of the everyone is a winner culture we live in these days. Make it easy as possible for youth to have success and win. I get it that the # of hunters are declining and getting more youth involved is needed. I just feel like doing something to set them up for success is not the answer. To me we are setting them up for failure and loss down the road. When they go from Easy nice hunting conditions with fairly easy success, to them having to hunt the normal season under less ideal condition, is not helping gain more hunters. Just my .02 worth.

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 8973

    If me getting my nephew up out of bed on a Saturday morning at 5:00am to hike a 1/3 of a mile through the frosty woods in the dark quietly, then sit silently in a tree for a few hours watching the sun rise before we climb down and run him to his football game is somehow ruining him or society…all because it’s a few weeks earlier than a grown man gets to do it with an opportunity for harvest…than I fully admit I am the problem with modern society and youth today coffee

    Add me to the list of scapegoats for some people.

    Just my $.02

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