MN and Dakotas/Nebraska LakeMaster chips $150 for Both

  • ganderpike
    Posts: 1179

    Selling my MN +Plus LakeMaster Chip and my Dakotas/Nebraska LakeMaster chip. Went from Humminbird to Garmin for my mapping needs and have no use for the chips any more. Waypoints still on cards…

    $150 for both, or best Offer. Between Fargo and White Bear Lake pretty regularly.

    1. 6ADFABE4-E1B6-44EE-9EE3-7555CE2F64C1-scaled.jpeg

    Perham Mn
    Posts: 260

    Wish I’d have seen this 2 days ago. Just bought the Dakotas/Neb Plus for $160 with tax. This is a sweet deal for 2 chips.

    Posts: 46

    What would you want for just the Nebraska~ Dakota chip?

    Posts: 46

    I`ll offer you 60 for the Nebraska-Dakota chip.

    Posts: 823

    You seriously didn’t put waypoints on your Lakemaster chips did you?

    Justin Laack
    Posts: 514

    Are you willing to seperate? Only would want the MN chip.

    Posts: 46

    I will still give you 60 for the Nebraska/Dakota chip

    Posts: 1179

    Hey Justin I would separate for the MN chip, I would prefer not to ship though.

    Fishing59, that chip is pretty much brand new and a recent version, I would like to keep her around $100.

    Reddog, for the low low price of $150 you can even go see if the fish are still there

    Justin Laack
    Posts: 514

    Ok thanks gander, I don’t live along that route.. I think what reddog was getting at is when you save a waypoint it goes on the graph not the cards, unless you took the cards out and transferred waypoints onto them, which hummimbird specifically says not to do, it should be done a blank sd card.

    Posts: 823

    Ok thanks gander, I don’t live along that route.. I think what reddog was getting at is when you save a waypoint it goes on the graph not the cards, unless you took the cards out and transferred waypoints onto them, which hummimbird specifically says not to do, it should be done a blank sd card.

    Yes, thats what I was getting at. Adding waypoints to a Lakemaster chip is a great way to corrupt the chip, and possibly even brick the unit if you cant figure out whats corrupt. Good luck with your sale GP.

    Posts: 1179

    Ha didn’t know that, never mind no waypoints! Thanks for the heads up.

    Justin, I do make it to Austin/Osage IA every now and then, so if you’re still interested later this spring Ill PM you.

    Justin Laack
    Posts: 514

    Sounds good, if you fish Mille lacs at all and would be there sooner than a trip to austin/osage, I’ll be on the east side most every weekend come opener.

    Posts: 46

    How about $70. Think about it. I know it might be new but how many people want a Nebraska/Dakota chip compared to the Minnesota one? Thanks!!! Like I said think about it.

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