ML- Oct 2014?

  • Jack Naylor
    Apple Valley, MN
    Posts: 5668

    I am probably going up in a few days and was hoping to find
    some info on this Falls bite on Mille Lacs.
    There just are not any Posts this Fall on conditions, the bite,
    or pictures. (we all love pictures).
    Is there really no one going up this year or so few members making
    In the last number of years, the ML forum in the Fall, was always one of the most
    Anyone been up lately?

    Posts: 3438

    I was there last night from 8pm to 12:30am. Just got 2 fish 23″, and a 24″. Both came on outside weed line. Just saw one other boat. No moon and windy made for tough conditions.

    Jack Naylor
    Apple Valley, MN
    Posts: 5668

    Thanks for the reply, am heading up in the morning. Will fish for SM during
    the day, night troll wed night, and then prob SM during Thurs then back home.
    Will let you know how it goes.
    Anyone else been out?


    Posts: 3681

    I’m heading up today Jack.We are going looking for the big pike in the morning the Smallies and eyes later on.

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