I was up last weekend to look things over, check out the delta into Lewis & Clark lake, and start finding my way around for next years B.A.S.S. Divisional Tournament. For anybody headed that way there’s not much water. You can’t get a boat in at Running water at all, Verdell’s accessible but that’s it, and Springfield has water, held back from Gavins, but nothings coming down so its muddy. I caught some bass up above Verdell where the water’s cleaner but only one small pike in the mud down by the lake.
If anybody’s got a lock on the river from Springfield SD on up I wouldn’t mind pick’n your brain. I’m no stranger to the area but wont turn down any extra info I can come up with. I just won this years NE B.A.S.S. Federation State Tournament at Truman Res so will be on our Divisional team next year when Nebraska hosts it on the river. One lucky guy from that team moves on to Nationals and that’s one feather we’d all like to add to our cap. If you’re an old river rat from that area or know of one I sure like to visit.
Thanks, Fluff