Are you in a draw area? We haven’t drawn a tag yet. We normally miss the deadline. We still have had action every year. We average seeing 15-20 elk in a 7 day hunt. Do you guys see similar numbers? Last year was the toughest we’ve had(7 elk in 7days). Other hunters we talked to were struggling too. I would like to try a different area but it’s tough to drive 1100+ miles and not know what youre getting into. I know thats part of the excitment but we know the area were in.
Don’t take this the wrong way, becuase it isn’t intended to be harsh.
There is no reason to miss the draw. If you want to apply DO IT. If your partners don’t want to…..well maybe they aren’t into the hunt as much as you? You still have a few weeks get your application in. It will assure that next year you could hunt a limited area (less pressure), which will mean better odds. 7 elk in 7 days, 20 elk in 7 days for multiple people….ICK…whether you know that spot or not….run and run fast! If you’re doing things right you should be seeing a lot more elk than that, a LOT more, especially since you know the area. 1100+ miles, not a big deal. You should be able to use online resources to pick an area. Once you have the area picked start calling, and searching internet sites for the info you need, trust me its available to you. Yes it would help to be able to make a scouting trip to a new area, but it isn’t required. I may be setting foot in my third new elk hunting state in a row this fall, actually kind of planning on it
But I have my plans already made. 3 different big plans all with custom maps, premade waypoints, routes, and gps entered. Within each big plan I have multiple “spot” plans to cover once I get there.
I think most people approach a hunt like this the wrong way. Most people hope to kill an animal…..not me. I expect to kill one. Does it define the hunt, absolutely not. In fact I’m looking a great opportunity in the mouth right now, for an OTC colorado unit…because it isn’t the type of terrain I like to hunt in. I like thick heavy timbered areas….this unit has more open area than I like….so its still up in the air. I don’t wait 49 weeks, shoot thousands of arrows, spend countless hours daydreaming/planning about elk, spend the money I do on gas, tags, gear etc…..to hope to shoot an animal. I plan on killing a bull in September…will I, who knows? Check back in October to find out….but its just all about how you go about reaching what you are after.
Good luck!