1ST Dall Sheep

  • mpearson
    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 4337

    How about next year?

    Glennallen, Alaska
    Posts: 11

    Well I wouldn’t normally post this type picture but a Buddy of mine Mike Monnin from Captivate M Outdoors made this.. If anybody out there is interested in back pack type hunts Mike & Martha really know Gear and Systems to make a hunter successful. Check out there web site captivatemoutdoors.com Good honest people who hunt hard and understand hunters needs!

    Thanks Jeff

    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 4337

    Ok….so last night I was invited over to Jeff’s parents to watch his sheep hunt and see the sheep mount and all I have to say is WOW! That was some incredible footage and what a great job your buddy did on the mount. I also got to watch the grizzly bear footage where he charged you up to 20 – 25 yards and then took off after seeing the camera man. Talk about exciting (or crazy as I would like to call it)…although you didn’t get a shot at him that was quite an encounter. And then footage of the moose hunt…I have to tell you Jeff that if I went up to Alaska I was planning to do a caribou hunt….but now I would have to do the moose hunt. That was some awesome footage with you and your wife Quinn! I’ll have to talk to you about a trip out there soon…I couldn’t sleep last night thinking about it! You are the man cuz!

    Glennallen, Alaska
    Posts: 11

    Mike, We installed a new network at work!I need to talk to ya!! CUZ

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