1ST Dall Sheep

  • mpearson
    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 4337

    My cousin Jeff shot his 1st Dall Sheep…and did it with his stick and string that he hand made himself! Here is a quick summary in his owns words!

    Hey Mike,,, Thanks Man,

    I just came back from Game & Fish they aged him at 13yrs. Old Bruiser. Mike I followed him for 4 day’s he started out with 4 rams and by the 4th day there were 9 rams..
    We have the 4 day stalk and Shot on video. It is very cool.. Also had a Grizzley charge me and got that on video.. When I get a copy I’ll send you one!! Ol Cuz almost ended up as grizzly crap!!

    Congrats Jeff on another awesome trophy! He was able to stalk up to this beast and shoot him at 18 yards! You are my hero cuz!

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    WOW. Not much else to say except CONGRATS!!! A true trophy with any weapon but using a hand made bow adds a whole new level of respect.

    St Cloud, MN
    Posts: 974

    Congrats to Cousin Jeff!

    A Dall Sheep at 18 yds with a Longbow he made himself, That’s awesome!

    Posts: 324

    what a trophy and a great story. watching that hunt would be really interesting. congrats on the sheep and not gettin eaten

    Posts: 395

    Definately a trophy of a lifetime! So how does he top that? Hunt with a pocket knife or a club?

    I’d be so proud of that kill that I’d have a billboard put in my yard with that picture on it!

    crawford county WI
    Posts: 819

    that’s awesome congrats to your cuz

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22965

    Congrats Jeff…. Dall are such a mythical looking animal to me…. I would do almost anything to be able to have the opportunity at Dall someday…. truely a well earned trophy

    Posts: 6441

    Wow and to do it with a homemade bow too

    Byron MN
    Posts: 3374

    Now that is cool … Congrats to him

    Winona, MN
    Posts: 698

    Sounds like someone should have his own hunting show! What a great story!

    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 4337


    Sounds like someone should have his own hunting show! What a great story!

    He lives in Alaska and he has a TON of stories!

    Albertville, MN
    Posts: 956

    What can you say but awsome!!!!!

    Mantorville, Mn
    Posts: 830

    Wow Impressive

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370

    Unreal, Congrats to your cousin on a hunt and trophy of a lifetime!

    Byron, MN
    Posts: 2273

    That’s pretty sweet. Make sure you post that video when he sends it to you.

    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 4337


    That’s pretty sweet. Make sure you post that video when he sends it to you.

    With his permission I definitely will!

    Central, MN
    Posts: 1110

    Way Cool!!!

    Brad Juaire
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 6100

    It just doesn’t get much better than that! I like how he brushes off that he got charged by a grizzly!

    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 4337


    I like how he brushes off that he got charged by a grizzly!

    he’s had his share of “near death” experiences up there!

    Glennallen, Alaska
    Posts: 11

    Hey Mike,
    I just wanted to wish Dan, you and the family good luck to ya and let the wind out of a big one, or two, or three.. I’m just thrilled with that Dall Ram, I have several people wanting me to build them a bow!! Pretty funny!! Sometimes buddy it’s better to be Lucky then GOOD!! I was damn lucky!!I remembered your site from last year! You Pearson boy’s got it going on,, Except for your football team!! I’ll be trying my luck on another moose when I get home and you never know about those Grizzlys!! Mike your going to laugh.. one of my good friends was going sheep hunting with his compound bow, He was at my house shooting at my dall sheep target, asked me if I wanted to try his bow,, I said sure, Pulled it back with my fingers hit the sweet spot the string jumped from my hand and the bow blew up into a million pieces!! Danny & Quinn were watching!! I was in shock! My Buddy was flying out to go hunting the next morning, We live remote 4 hrs from Anchorage.. I felt so bad I told him jump in the plane and I’ll find ya a big ram,, We flew around and found a nice Ram, The next day he flew in with a air taxi and 3 or 4 day’s later killed the sheep we found a 40 5/8 X 13.5 bases Dall Ram, Awesome critter!! He killed it with a rifle, In a tough area!! i’ll send ya a pic when he sends me some!! He had a good sense of humor!! Told me if I build him a bow we are even!!
    Be safe Mike I’ll keep ya posted Buddy,, Tell the Family Hi and Give my God Mother a Squeeze from me!!

    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 4337

    Nice going on the bow! And hey, welcome to the site cuz! I’m glad to see you made it. But you are going to have to do me one favor…either post that hunt of yours on here or let me do it for you! Lots of guys would LOVE to see it…especially yours truly! And since you have joined, you can share other hunts you have had…like the one where you were forgotten by your outfitter and thought you were done for!

    Posts: 6441

    Welcome to iDo Ak Long Bow it’s great to have you here

    Byron MN
    Posts: 3374

    Welcome long bow and one BIG CONGRATS on the hunt

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    More stories PLEASE!!!! Us soft skinned wanna be tough guys love reading about what real wilderness men live like.

    SW Wisconsin
    Posts: 1007

    Awesome reads there AK

    Will be glad to read many more thanks for sharing

    Glennallen, Alaska
    Posts: 11

    Hey Mike,
    Just a update Quinn & Myself went moose hunting and saw Stalked the 2nd biggest bull of my life.. It made the moose I shot last year look like a runt..I’m serious Mike,, SLOOB!! We have it on video. got within 40 yrds 3 different times, I should have tried a down hill shot but thought I could close the gap a little.. Needless to say he made it through hunting season and Quinn had a blast flying out with me in the super cub and landing on a little remote 400ft strip plus shooting video’s!! It seems like your site has a bunch of good guy’s on it and I wish everybody a safe & successful hunting season!! If anyone has any info on New Mexico unit 2b late season archery hunt for Mule Deer I’d appreciate it.. I drew this tag with a Eau Claire bow hunter and I started the research part of the hunt.. Season is Jan 1st through the 15.. Any info would be again Greatly appreciated!! Thanks Again for all the kind accolades but I just hunt hard and as often as I can!! Again Thanks and Hunt Hard!!

    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 4337

    Hey Jeff, if you get a chance please post some of the other animals you have taken with your bow. Or if you want, send me the pics and I’ll post them for you! The guys (and gals) I’m sure would enjoy seeing your trophy room and some of the animals you’ve taken. Thanks cuz!

    Byron MN
    Posts: 3374


    Hey Jeff, if you get a chance please post some of the other animals you have taken with your bow. Or if you want, send me the pics and I’ll post them for you! The guys (and gals) I’m sure would enjoy seeing your trophy room and some of the animals you’ve taken. Thanks cuz!

    Let’s see them

    Glennallen, Alaska
    Posts: 11

    Mike, I’m up north working for 3 weeks so I won’t be able to do to much as far as pic’s.. I’ll look around and see what I have on my computer at work! Any certain technique posting a pic on here?
    Some guy from Shields in Eau Claire shot a Dandy Buck with his bow!!I just got the pic..

    Glennallen, Alaska
    Posts: 11

    Mike, when would you be thinking of coming up to AK?

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