North Dakota Antelope Season

  • dennisdalan
    St Cloud, MN
    Posts: 974

    Looks like ND is not going to have an Antelope Season this year. A buddy of mine went online to apply for the resident gun season and it said No Antelope Season for 2010. Went to buy a non-res bow license and antelope was not listed. Can’t find an offical annoucement but not looking good.

    St Cloud, MN
    Posts: 974

    According to the ND Game and Fish Dept, they are very concerned with the low numbers but they have not made a final decsion on canceling the season. Hope to make an annoucement sometime this week.

    St Cloud, MN
    Posts: 974

    An e-mail from Randy Kreil, NDGF Wildlife Division Chief, posted on another site.

    There will BE NO 2010 PRONGHORN SEASON.

    Yes, it is true – there will be no pronghorn season this fall. The last two winters hammered them hard. We are down from over 15,000 antelope to just over 6,000 in a couple of years. Keep in mind this is an actually survey of all the pronghorn hunting units with the entire area being flown. There is no extrapolation of survey results to other areas. I am going on the Heitkamp show in a few minutes to talk about the decision. We pretty much had made the decision on Friday but Terry needed to contact a few more key people and we are always leery about a Friday afternoon press release because it is on a weekend and sometimes that can cause issues with the public. Our website/licensing folks put the note on the online application to avoid having more people getting licenses and having to recall them. RK

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22929

    Bummer….. hopefully the numbers come back

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    I gotta believe the main predator to goats is the coyote. I’m sure with the high snows, the goats lost their speed advantage and it was easy pickins’ for the dogs the last couple winters. Throw in a little weakness from the lack of food available and I’m sure the yotes ate well.

    Let’s hope for a couple “normal” winters to allow the speed goats to return to safe levels.

    Posts: 539

    That’s unbelievable and sad. Has anybody heard anything about Montana? We hunt about 60 miles from the ND/MT border. I’d have to think they are suffering something similar.

    St Cloud, MN
    Posts: 974

    I agree, sad news but at least the state is looking out for the herd. I for the read on another site that the goats in MT are hurting just like ND but sounds like they are going to have their seasons but talking about limiting tags.

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370

    Can’t argue for ND G&F for doing the right thing. Hopefully the population rebounds quickly and they can start giving out tags once again!

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