NM draw, results posted

  • les_welch
    Posts: 1007

    in 12 hours and 6 minutes.


    22 feet up
    Posts: 632

    Good luck Les! I see that their entry numbers were way down this year due to the upfront license cost….should have a better chance at that coveted tag Do you put in for one of the Gila units? My bro lives in Silver City NM, they have some whopper bulls that hang around his house.

    Posts: 1007

    Woohooo boys, spending September in New Mexico, after I kill my Wi bear of course!!!!!!!

    I did apply for the Gila on my first two choices. I drew my third choice, which in reality I am VERY happy with. This way I can hunt longer, and this is a beautiful unit. Christmas came early for me!

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    Congrats Les!! Can’t wait to see some pics and hear the stories. I can hear the bugle now.

    St Cloud, MN
    Posts: 974

    Congrats on the tag! Hope your able to knock down one of those NM giants.

    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 4337

    Congrats Les!

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370

    Congrats Les!

    Should be another intersting Fall for ya!

    Posts: 1007

    Thanks guys, I can’t say how pumped I am. After seeing UNSUCESSFUL, on my last 16 elk applications, and this being my last chance of the year, I am fired up!

    As the day wore on yesterday, I was really hoping not to draw my first 2 choices, and hoping for the third, somebody was listening, and man I can’t wait.

    Brad Juaire
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 6100

    Congrats Les! Let the planning begin!

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22965

    22 feet up
    Posts: 632


    Posts: 1007

    Planning is done. I have my routes printed. I have my maps made and sealed. I make custom high detail topo maps for my areas. Camp-Mor sells a map sealer that is great. Really allows them to fold easy with out wearing, and all around makes them last. I know exactly where I am heading in on the first day. I have a 5.5 mile hike in to where I will camp. Should take about 4.5 hours. I’ll be at 10,400′. I will be leaving WI on Sept. 2 @ noon, and should arrive at the trailhead between 12 and 1 pm on Friday the 3rd. All I will have to do is strap on my boots and pack, and start walking. Should have “camp” set and water got, by 8pm. Just in time to unwind for the last half hour of daylight. Right now my pack is at 61.16#’s with no water, and I have a little food to add yet, along with my GPS weight. I will be trimming a few things out as time goes. Been training 3-4 days with a weighted pack, and still lifting 4 days a week, and teaching boot camp classes. I’m down to 162# and 11.9% Bodyfat, a little different than this time in ’08 when I was 211.6# and 34% Bodyfat. I’ve been tweaking my gear, pretty much nonstop for the last 3 years. Found some more really neat stuff, this past week. A few more options to look at, to trim some oz’s yet. 11 weeks…

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