Our bass club stays there every couple of years. Very nice place, handy ramp on site and good folks running it.
IDO » Forums » Hunting Forums » Big Game Hunting – Elk, Moose, Caribou » Elk Trip Anyone?
Elk Trip Anyone?
December 10, 2009 at 5:44 pm #208464
Well I’m getting to that age that I’d better $#@t or get off the pot if I’m ever going to do a big game, mountain hunting trip! Trouble is I really don’t have any close friends that have this same interest.
So, anyone out there want to combine efforts on a big game, western mountain states, hunting trip? Or would anyone with a current setup have an open spot?
My preference would be elk but would be open to discuss whitetail or mule deer. I do not currently own a bow so I’m talking rifle hunting.
2010 is probably too quick though it could happen under the right circumstances. 2011 is more likely. I don’t think free lancing would be for me unless again, it would be with someone with some serious skills and experience.
So to summarize, I’m looking to see if others are interested in setting up a elk, rifle hunt, most likely in 2011 or beyond, in a western US mountain state most likely with a guide or outfitter?
If you have any suggestions for me in this endeavor, please let me know!
December 10, 2009 at 5:56 pm #71849Depending on which state your looking to hunt in, I would apply for 2010. I’ve been applying for a Colorado blackpowder elk tag for 4 years without getting drawn. 2010 will be our groups 5th year. We’re hoping to get drawn.Preferance points are required as non-residents for premium hunts. I know its not fair! A resident can go to any convieniance store and buy a cheap tag. Apply now for 2010, if ya get drawn next year consider yourself lucky!
December 10, 2009 at 6:50 pm #71855Depending on the state, start applying now. Some states, the deadline is early, like Jan. So get ready. I’m just buying preference points in a couple states. Utah, for example, is a 7-8 year wait for the unit I want to hunt. It’s not uncommon to wait 10 + in trophy units for non-residents.
I hunted Wy in 04 with my buddies from high school, great time. The hunt stunk for 4 days, but the last two(when we finally figured out our stuff) it went very well. It was a complete do it yourself hunt. Knowing what I know now, I think my odds of shooting a good elk in that unit are increased drastically. My point, PM me if you have any interest in learning more about that unit/hunt. Heck, I’d probably even consider going back 2011 or 12.
That hunt cost us in the range of $3k a piece. I think I could do it for $2k now.
Posts: 1007December 10, 2009 at 9:44 pm #71889If you are only lookig to do an elk hunt once, call Hunt N Fool, and have them set you up. If it is something you will do more than once, start applying for all the tags you can ASAP, starting with WY, their deadline is in Feb. If you have questions just holler, but if you have the drive, DIY isn’t as tough as some make it seem.
Posts: 126December 12, 2009 at 5:43 pm #72221Cougareye, all good advice above. The group I hunt with (6-10 guys depending on the year) have decided to hunt CO every other year. If you are looking at 2011, you would be welcome in our camp. I personally have enough gear (tents, wood stoves, cook stoves, etc.) to outfit a camp for 8 guys. If you get some guys together and want to hunt 2010 (this goes for anyone out there, not just Cougareye) I would be happy to work something out with you and set you up with the gear I have since it’s not getting used this year. The area we hunt in CO has unlimited OTC bull tags and we have never had a problem getting cow tags either. I took a couple guys from the U.P. this year and we did it for less than $600, that included the tag, gas and food. Email me if you have any questions [email protected]
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