Snosuit hasn’t finalized the details on the promotional price for IDO members but the plan is for them to offer the suit (top and bottom) for $480. When that promotion is released I’ll announce it in several locations here on the site. You won’t be able to miss it and it should be announced in the next couple days.
It is hard to compare the two products. Take the time and try them both on to get a feel for each product. I’m certain you will feel, as I did, that the other garments on the market feel like a light weight jacket suitable for cool spring evenings when compared to the Snosuit.
Now, if what you’re looking for is a decent suit that will keep you warm for short stints on the ice on days when the temps are “average” and the winds are light the Ice Armor will do the job for you.
If you want the warmest, most comfortable extreme weather clothing on the market the Snosuit is the ticket.
Scott and I regularly fish in this stuff in sub-zero temps spending all day on the ice. Our camera guy used to have insulated guidewear and he dropped for the snosuit after wearing it one time while filming. The difference in the warmth and comfort this suit provides is incredible.
It really comes down to what you want and need. If you want to be able to stay out on the ice when everyone else hides out in the shack and fish on days when everyone else just stays home, it will be worth the effort to check out this product.
I know Everts Resort carries this product as does Thorne Bros. if you want to try it on and kick the tires. The Snosuit isn’t cheap… but premium quality products never are.