Small steps….. got a workout on the Wii this weekend. Will start treadmill next week and lifting the following week. Have been watching my diet for about 1 month, do 50 sit-ups every other morning…. dropped 9 lbs, so far….
I also was encouraged, to put 50 lbs in my backpack and wear it when possible…
Not sure when that will start, but for sure in July if I get drawn 
big G
Great start. As you stated, start off slow. For most people the easiest way to become more fit, is watching what and how much you eat. Remember portion control. Eat until you are not hungry, instead of eating until you are full.
Exercise is great, but don’t overdo it. If you haven’t been really active for awhile, and you start givin’ er, something has to give. Usually is isn’t good. 
As stated above, make it a life change, not a fad or “diet”.
When I decided to make the change, I did, cold turkey. Went from 211.2# to the 150’s in 3 months. Diet change and exercise. I kept that weight for a few months, but then due to the weight training, I came back up to 165#, which is where I am at today. I fluctuate about 2-4# depending on the day, but usually between 163-164# @ 5’11”.
One thing I think for beginners is to know what they are eating. Use a good calorie counter, like fitday, sparkpeople, or whatever one you like. Consider it a normal day, and write down everything you eat and drink. At the end of the day, use the counter and see how many calories you consumed. I’ll use 2000, as an average number for the typical guy, that we should consume each day. Keep in mind that can and will vary a lot from person to person.
Now consider that a can of coke, has 140 calories. So 3 cans of coke a day would use 20% of your daily calories. Now lets add in 1.5 cups of ice cream with 3 tablespoons of choclate. There is 510 calories, total 930 calories or roughly 47% of your daily caloric intake total. Yikes
Good Luck, and holler if we can help!