Misc. Ice Rods

  • Jake D
    Watertown, SD
    Posts: 603

    13 Fishing 23” TickleStick SUL- $25
    Fenwick EliteTech 26”ML- $20
    Clam Rod Bag- $15

    Great Shape, cleaning out inventory

    Pick up in Benson or Alexandria MN

    1. 989425B7-E755-4847-A19E-31C0D562C273.jpeg

    2. D9D62DF6-EF05-43E9-A4F5-EFE4A068A69D.jpeg

    3. 4F60D21E-73B4-40B3-BABB-B98D046F817E.jpeg

    Posts: 56

    Still for sale Jake? P.m.ed you

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