Misc fishing stuff

  • cranky_troller
    Posts: 124

    Lot 1:
    Misc ice fishing stuff. $30 tyd

    Lot 2:
    Snap weights 3oz to 3/4oz. 15 tyd

    Lot 3: Bottom bouncer $25 tyd
    13- 3 oz
    10- 2 oz

    Lot 4: misc bottom bouncers 1.5oz to 3/4oz. 20 in total. $20tyd

    Lot 5: Rapala F18 $16 tyd

    Lot 6: oringal ram mount. $30tyd

    1. image-33.jpeg

    2. image-32.jpeg

    3. image-31.jpeg

    4. image-30.jpeg

    5. image-29.jpeg

    6. image-28.jpeg

    Dusty Gesinger
    Minnetrista, Minnesota
    Posts: 2421

    I will take lot 1, ice fishing stuff.

    Big Rapids, Michigan
    Posts: 163

    I will take lot 1 if the sale does not work out!

    N Metro
    Posts: 172

    I will take lots 3 & 4 if things fall thru!

    Posts: 124

    Lots 4,5, and 6 are still available if anyone would like to make an reasonable offer.

Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)

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