Minske Bait and Tackle

  • Jimmy Jones
    Posts: 3171

    For years its been my practice to buy two of everything, just in case one gets broken or lost. Rods have been no exception except one that I built many years ago, but use the heck out of it during the very early ice-out season and very late pre-ice up period when getting distance with slip floats comes in handy. The rod I built is rated for 1/16 to 5/16 weights and I can rocket a 1/16 with a plastic a half mile on my usual 4 pound XL line. I just never got around to making another rod to companion with it.

    Last year my fishing buddy made a rod based on a 7 foot Rain Shadow blank that’s rated for 1/16 to 1/4 ounce lures and its a real workhorse for him so I decided to check into the components at Minske’s. We had a good conversation and when I asked if he had that particular blank and components for the rod on hand he said “yup”. Then he said “here”, and handed me a finished rod he just put out that morning. Well darn, the old mind was thinking…. no eye strain, no muss, no fuss, no wait, no anticipation. So I left with a new rod.

    Now to be honest, I fish primarily crappies with some sunfish and perch tossed in occasionally and those that know me know I have specific rods for specific types of fishing, and as mentioned already, two of each of the rods. Reels are generally the same thing. Three years ago I went to Scheels and bought a near matching pair of St. Croix panfish special rods, when our freebie covid money was floating around, and paired them with Shimano Naasci 1000 series reels. I love the rods except for one thing and one thing alone, and that’s the stupid tiny last three guides and tip tops that are used. Slip knots have a murderous time of going thru the very little holes, if they go thru at all and when casting and the knots hit the first dink passage the line stops and messola is involved. Very frustrating. I took the rods down to Minske’s and had him pull the tip top and last three guides on both rods and had him replace them with #8 guides and tip tops. Now the last four guides on each rod match and the tip allows for free passage of a slip knot. They cast like a dream now. And that’s how I ended up going back to check out the rod building supplies, since that rod I built has the #8 guides and tip at the end of the rod….like my buddy’s rod has also. Happy now and again have two of everything.

    So Minske’s is more than a bait shop. They make rods the way they should be made. They have a full line of products and components for those who roll their own. The tackle is SE Minnesota specific, but they’ll work hard to get what one might need for a trip or out-of-the-area fishing needs. The quality of the finished rods he has displayed does not stand in the shadow of the likes of St.Croix or even Loomis. And he stands behind his work.

    My buddy and I fished on Monday and the new rod was along wearing a year old Shimano Sahara 1000 series reel and the usual 4 pound XL line, slip knot, a mini-stealth look alike float and a 1/16 jig/plastic. We began fishing in near dark and the temp was in the very high 20’s. Casting was a breeze. As the chill began to allow ice in the tips and guides it was easily popped off and the knot sailed thru those slick guides. And the crappies and perch cooperated nicely. Happy boy here.

    Rochester has Scheels and Fleet Farm and Minske’s. Minske’s is where you’ll find what the other two don’t carry. Great bait and great service and so much more. And it costs nothing to stop in and take a look and say “hi”.

    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 4000

    I have been in Minske’s multiple time and always have had great service. He has a good amount of Rainshadow blanks on hand for you DIYers. Fun little shop.

    Minske, bait, tackle, and custom rods
    1117 N Broadway Ave # 1, Rochester, MN 55906

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Is this the site of an old bait store? Or something completely different?

    Jimmy Jones
    Posts: 3171

    Minske is in the old Wild Goose location across from Mc and Dons on north Broadway. Completely redid the inside. Nice environment now. There’s a gun shop in the same building as well.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Thanks Mr. Jones!

    Bill Cadwell
    Posts: 48

    Its nice to see that we have a bait and tackle store on the north side of town. THUMBS UP!!!

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