Our annual BWCA trip is coming up in about a month and I’m reviewing notes from the last trip on gear. We basecamp and focus mainly on fishing, so we bring in a lot of live bait (3-4 lbs of leeches, 7-8lbs or rainbow mix minnows) for the 6-8 guys on the 7 day trip. Once we get to our camp the first thing we do is get the bait out of bags and into the water. We use the Lindy Bait Tamer’s for storage at camp, and sink them to the bottom off a ledge (about 7-8 ft deep), with some weights to hold it down and a rope attached to bring it in when we need to fill bait containers that come with us in the canoes. We used to let the bait tamers sit 90% sumberged as they’re designed but waves bashed them against the shoreline and the warmer water wasn’t conducive to keeping bait as long.
With all that said for background, any ideas on a different storage system? These lindy bait tamers last about 2-3 years at $20 each and has us then replacing 4-5 at a time. I’ve thought about getting some of the new lindy bait tamers that are shaped like a handbag vs the cylindrical ones we’ve had, but don’t know if I see any advantage. It works, we use braided line and make repairs as needed, so maybe this is just what we should stick with and plan on.