Minnetonka ice

  • OG Net_Man
    Posts: 673

    I am hearing of several vehicles going through the ice on Lake Minnetonka. Does anyone have any details on this such as where?

    In the past I hear of people going through the ice on Minnetonka because they drove through a channel or they drove around cones that marked a bad spot. Basically not the most knowledgeable people that should not be on the ice…

    Is this weeks issues of going through actually a concern or just people driving where the should not be?

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18378

    The channels are always sketchy because 1) there’s current, and 2) bridges/roads above them drop salt on the ice. No chance I’d ever drive a truck through one of those.

    Someone told me there are a number of pressure ridges which is partially to blame. Kind of unusual for Tonka.

    If it were me I’d take an ATV or walk out there instead. Not every thin ice area is marked.

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12212

    Same old story on Tonka, just pressure ridges instead of channels this year. Per google, I believe 2 of the vehicles that went thru recently were trying to go over pressure ridges on North Lower Lake (an area I hadn’t heard of, so again per google) the East borders Wayzata Bay to its north, Brown’s Bay to its northwest, Robinson’s Bay to its east, and Carson’s Bay to its southeast. The North Lower Lake West borders Smith’s Bay to its north, Crystal Bay to the west, Lafayette Bay to its southwest, and the South Lower Lake to the south.

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