Minnesota Map Card for New Ti2

  • 3rdtryguy
    Central Mn
    Posts: 1593

    I’ve been researching the heck out of this whole new unit decision, as Waxy can attest to and has been great help, and have decided on the new Ti2 9 inch. Now for the map card, and again I’m totally confused. I want to use the map create. I’ve done the searches and still get confused more after each one I read. Will any version of Navionics have the same contour lines which would make accuracy the same? Will all versions update with map creating? Is the only difference basically topography overlays, or does the 3D view come in here too? Does map create have to be connected to the net when creating or just for updating and downloading? That must use a ton of data so I have to believe it has to connect only for up and down right? I never hear good things about Navionics or basemaps accuracy from anyone that’s ever used Lakemaster. I have a Lakemaster Pro Minnesota version 7 card, in the micro chip version for my old HDS 8. Will that chip, even being 5-6 years old, be better than current Navionics chips? I know it wont create maps. If map create updates basemaps maybe my LM card would be the answer if it’s still better than Navionics or Cmap. Hot Maps, I know nothing of them except for way, way back from their fist product. So far I THINK, Navionics + Regions North seems to me to be the one?
    That’s a ton of questions and I would appreciate any help you can be on some or all. This is even confusing to type, hope it makes sense.

    North Metro
    Posts: 238

    Dont know how much has changed in the new units, i used to have the original Elite 7 TI. In order to create a map all you needed was a micro sd card and you would select the Log Sonar option in sonar settings. It saved the info to your card, then you would log into insight genesis (not sure if it is still called that) upload the data and in a day or so they would send you an email with the map file you created. You put that file on a micro sd card then into your unit and you were good to go. But this was a few years ago so things may have chaged…

    Central Mn
    Posts: 1593

    I was at a meeting two nights ago with about 200 walleye and some bass fisherman with all different levels of expertise. TV personalities and regular Joe’s were all there. It was extremely hard to get anyone to talk favorably about Navionics accuracy. Most used some pretty harsh words. Has that been you guys experience on this site? I am reconsidering my decision, and taking another look at the hummingbird just so that I can have Lake master chips. I would value any one else’s opinions.

    Dustin Tichy
    Posts: 108

    I have the Ti2 that is preloaded with Cmap. The unit is new to me this year but the couple of times I have been out the Cmap seems accurate. I also just found that I can overlay genesis or what ever it was called in the menu on my chart page. By doing this it actually creates a more detailed chart as I move around the lake. It is pretty neat. I know there is a log sonar button as well and still trying to figure that out, I think I can record, and then upload to a website and then get a custom map back to put on my graph. Not sure how that is different than just doing the overlay in real time? So far I like the graph, I actually have two 9s. I used to have a 12 gen2 touch that I sold with my last boat and the graph seems to be laid out the same so that helps.

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