Minnesota(metro) white bass

  • Justin Karriker
    Posts: 118

    Not looking for honey holes or secret spots, but tips for a shore bound guy looking for white bass would be helpful.

    So far I have 1/8-1/4oz white jig heads and chartreuse yellow.

    Also have 3″ curly tail grubs in the same colors.

    Have smaller jigs/grubs in the same colors as well from crappie fishing.

    Also have 1/8oz white rooster tails.

    Any other must haves?

    Tips, timing? Thanks!

    Cove Bay Mille Lacs lake MN
    Posts: 1814

    I don’t know of any “metro” lakes with white bass in them. I may be wrong, but in all the lakes I have fished, over all the years, I have never seen or heard of one caught on a metro lake. The st Croix river could be your best bet otherwise you might have to travel to Iowa.

    Ralph Wiggum
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 11764

    I don’t believe any lakes have them. I’ve caught some big ones on P2.

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 4143

    White bass might be tough to find. Crappies however, different story. Don’t know what part of the metro but if west, there are shore spots on Minnetonka in which you can do well and we are just coming into the right time of year for it. Start in the channels between the lakes, around the bridges, etc. There will be others so just do some scouting.

    St Michael, MN
    Posts: 1095

    Hmong anglers enjoy new access to white bass

    Justin Karriker
    Posts: 118

    River fishing is what I’m thinking, not lakes. Sorry I should’ve clarified.

    Posts: 659

    Last spring say around mid to late April I got into quite a few of them on pool 2 by the confluence.I don’t target them but have gone days without catching any then all of a sudden catch 10 one day.Other then the Croix I don’t know of anywhere else near the cities to catch any.

    404 ERROR
    Posts: 3918

    Not 100% metro, but close. Byllesby has a good population of White Bass in it. Be mindful of the varying water conditions, they are still working on the dam.

    Cottage Grove MN
    Posts: 283

    Mississippi has them. Pool 2 has nice sized ones and I would think you could try walking along the rip rap shore along the river by kaposia landing area and catch a few. Or park in the lot under the wakota bridge and walk along the path till you can find a path to the river.

    Might have to find a boat it would be a lot easier for you

    The st.croix has some also but a boat would be a lot easier. Try along the shore in the bluffs park.

    Sorry I’m not much just of a shore fisherman and don’t really target them. Just a lot of incidental catches

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    Justin Karriker
    Posts: 118

    Thanks for the info. I’m not much of a shore fisherman, but sold the boat last year after moving up here and haven’t bought a new one since I got here. Just trying to make the best of it until I get my ducks in a row .

    Tom Sawvell
    Posts: 9559

    Take a morning and run down to Lake City and fish the two pier/breakwater structures with those baits/heads. Both are fish magnets and stripers are a common catch in warm weather. So are sauger, walleye, crappie, northern, the small and large mouth basses, catfish, and drum. I have seen several BIG trout and some darned nice muskies caught as incidentals on these structures too.

    Red Wing has some shore fishing opportunities as well. Alma dam has some shore casting plus the pay-to-fish float.

    White bass are all over the river but the biggest hold-up in catching them will be not going out of the metro to chase them.

    Justin Karriker
    Posts: 118

    I’m willing to go out of the metro, was just using that as a base point to head in the right direction :). Thank you!

    Joel VandeKrol
    Ankeny, IA
    Posts: 460

    I don’t know of any “metro” lakes with white <strong class=”ido-tag-strong”>bass in them. I may be wrong, but in all the lakes I have fished, over all the years, I have never seen or heard of one caught on a metro lake. The st Croix river could be your best bet otherwise you might have to travel to Iowa.

    Come down to IA to Lake Rathbun and troll cranks. You’ll catch them 4 at a time with a few walleye and the outside chance of a fish over 10lbs.

    Posts: 100

    White bass love ::Berkley PowerBait Pre-Rigged Swim Shad : white and chatreuse

    Posts: 43

    Not Hmong, but what was that suppose to mean?

    Empire, MN
    Posts: 28

    I think he was trying to post a link from a Star Tribune article from a year or two ago. I remember reading one where Hmong anglers were requesting the DNR stock more lakes with white bass. Check MN DNR web site, I think they did stock some lakes around town.

    Lil'Can, MN
    Posts: 1450

    I use spinners up to 1/2 oz, rooster tails.

    Up to size 9 or 10 Rapala lures.

    Poppers, up to the 3/8 oz weight ones.

    Most lures I use are 1/4 oz in weight.

    Drum Guy
    Posts: 38

    Theres some chunkers coming off the banks of the Minnesota right now!

    1. IMG_0165.jpg

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    Whoah that’s a chinky one there! Did you measure the length by chance?

    Mendota Heights, MN
    Posts: 660

    Pug, Auto-correct must have known the context of this discussion…

    North Metro
    Posts: 192

    Strictly from shore, I would say P2, maybe fort Snelling state park, have caught some on the north side (southern bank of Mississippi). saint croix has a good number of them too, I haven’t found many great shore fishing spots there, but I would go north of Stillwater where the river slims up.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    Pug, Auto-correct must have known the context of this discussion…

    doah just slapped my phone.

    I love white bass. A very underrated fish.

    Drum Guy
    Posts: 38

    Whoah that’s a chinky one there! Did you measure the length by chance?

    Unfortunately did not, id guess she went around 15 inches. Such a blast getting on a school of them

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    I never got into a big school of them unfortunately. Most my catches were incidental while targeting g other species. I did make BK stop once when we were going out catting and saw a couple popping the surface.

    I believe they are one of the fastest growing fish around those parts and don’t live very long.

    Posts: 100

    Alma dam.18″ white bass

    1. image-18.jpeg

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13408

    Look for them busting minnows on the surface very early morning and late evening. For early morning be on the spots as its just getting light out. Sun up is to late. In the evening sunset might be the start of it.

    We have been seeing them on current seems on the river. The river is still high enough that there is some grass points on the croix with submerged grass. . Sunday night they where targeting the minnows in this grass. Other fish where doing the same. If you are finding seems during the day with lots of minnows in them try stop back at those key times to see if the white bass are using them.

    In the river systems around the metro White bass populations seem to be very low. Days of catching hundreds seem to be gone. Sure hope people that do get into them dont think hauling them out by the bucket full is still a good idea. It would be nice to see them rebound a bit.

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