No if you really read my post you would understand I think the majority issues is greed by fisherman and not practicing selective harvesting. I just want to call out the BS by Muskie guys that say Muskie have no impact on the ecosystem. Just trying let you know that the Perch have been suffering even before Muskies were introduce, now it’s even worse with them. If the DNR had to admit what they did was wrong it would totally destroy their remaining credibility. They have been wrong before and they will be wrong again. To sit back and suggest that everything they say to be true, is how we get a fishery that used to be able to support million pounds a year fishery to 30,000 and have to close the season early. My Linder joke came from all the people that quoted what Ron said as the gospel truth.
“Ron Lindner state,its one of the most successful programs everdone, no PROVEN NEGATIVE IMPACT on any body anywhere and Gull will prove to be the same, they know what there doing in this case.”
The all caps really mean he knows what he’s talking about. I just find it difficult in taking advice from a guy who quotes bible verses as real world solutions. Is our fishery in such bad shape all we can do is pray? I know I sound twisted and it may require me to remove all my Lindy rigs from my tackle box, if so, so be it. I just find it absolutely asinine to protect the largest and most aggressive fish in the fishery, especially when bait fish continue to drop. For pete sakes, we can even maintain a shiner bait population year round. You think if the DNR had all the answers, this would have been taken care of years ago. Can’t bring in minnows from out of states in fear of spreading disease, but can’t harvest our own minnows from many lakes due to shortages and or zebra mussels and milfoil regulations. The DNR doesn’t have all the right answers and taking everything they say as the truth is very dangerous for our fishery. If Donald Trump was head of the DNR would you still accept all the results as truth. Well people have no idea who is really running some of these studies and what data they cherry pick, tossing our hands up and saying they know what they are doing instead of trying to check and verify their results, is as good as a prayer.
Posts: 6
March 25, 2018 at 1:12 pm