Waiting an additional week or not at all when using fish that I have legally kept to prepare a meal for my family. Not everyone has the option to “go out and get another limit tommorrow”.
I get it, I’m not subsistence fishing, but its gonna make great deal of difference as whether I’m gonna pack up, spend money on gas, bait, potentially lodging and food to drive several hours away to fish when I cannot even bring enough home for a single meal. A lot of the appeal of fishing to me is the opportunity to enjoy the physical fruit of my effort. I don’t much care about trying to catch the biggest, I find mounting fish as trophies silly, and don’t really count fooling animals with brains the size of peas much of an achievement. Beyond that, lowering limits, particulary on panfish, in the absence of corresponding slot limits, will simply push harvest to larger fish and result in stunted populations (which would seem to defeat the purpose).
I also fully understand what seems to be the impulse towards gatekeeping the outdoors that seems to be the true animus to much of what passes as debate on outdoors topics these days. Trophy culture will be the death of hunting and fishing, not any electronic. I hear more impassioned arguments about how whatever controversial topic being discussed affects tournament anglers that 95% of the population couldn’t care less about, than I ever do about what can be done encourage more folks to take up angling. More time spent on running down fellow outdoorsman and women for “not doing it right”, than spent on figuring out how to recruit more youth into the sports.
I mean do what you want, but making fishing even less of a value proposition than it is now certainly isn’t gonna make it grow, if thats even what anyone wants anymore.