Minnesota Anglers: Would You Support Moving The Fishing Opener This Year?

  • FishBlood&RiverMud
    Posts: 6687

    We always have a number of guys that can only make for the opener. We get together the night before and drink a couple of beers and plan our strategy

    Im sure that would be impossible to do if there was no opener lol.

    Hey Jake, jon, Frank… How about we do our traditional get together may 11 this year…

    Nope, we cannot do that trip anymore because there no longer is an “opener” date. How could we possibly collectively pick a date to go fishing lol lol.

    People ask me every year what I’m doing for opener…. I just laugh a little and think to myself, probably do the same thing as yesterday… Go fishing.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18987

    “Traditional” openers are so overrated.

    I’ve never understood the importance of a single date of fishing, especially when there’s 364 other days to fish.

    Only if “you” dont have traditions. Me and my friends do and opener is awesome. The anticipation leading up to it is great. If brings a large bunch of us together once a year. Friends and acquaintances you may not see the rest of the year.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Mike instead of calling it an “opener” tradition, just call it a fishing tradition and use whatever date you like.

    I’ll try to paraphrase what one Professional Guide/Promoter said at a DNR Roundtable when the two line rule was being discussed.

    “Minnesota has the best fishing in the US with the exception of possibly Florida. People come from the surrounding states to fish in Minnesota, why? Because we have the best fisheries around. I have clients from WI, IA, SD and ND all the time telling me how good the fishing is here. Let’s not screw it up (with two lines or in this case early c & r season)”.

    Not my words…just trying to pass on the thoughts of the professionals. )

    Alagnak Pete
    Posts: 362

    Eff, ‘opener’ and the S show it creates. Don’t let biology, facts, and common sense get in the way of a few resorts/guides being packed for a few weekends.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18987

    Mike instead of calling it an “opener” tradition, just call it a fishing tradition and use whatever date you like.

    We’ve discussed that and there is really no interest. The vast majority of people have no problem with opener. Very few people dislike it.

    Alagnak Pete
    Posts: 362

    This is like talking about buying beer on sundays. No good logical reason why we can’t, but it’s ‘tradition’ so let’s just leave it alone.

    Posts: 811

    The vast majority of people have no problem with opener. Very few people dislike it.

    Guess I’m one of those few people.

    Boy, if you can’t find support for another week of Catch & Release Only fishing on a fishing forum, then the idea feels like it’s DOA to me. Gotta tell you though, this dismissal of Catch & Release fishing in favor of the tradition of ‘opener’ doesn’t seem based in fish biology; at least none that I’ve seen.

    Thanks to those who responded. I now know what Sen. Bakk faced back in 2012. Doubtful he will pursue that again in 2016 with the apparent overwhelming opposition from anglers.

    Posts: 1148

    C&R will result in some released fish dying. Sure it might be low but it will happen. Hit up some panfishing or the river if you need to get it in earlier.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    I’ll try to paraphrase what one Professional Guide/Promoter said at a DNR Roundtable when the two line rule was being discussed.

    “Minnesota has the best fishing in the US with the exception of possibly Florida…

    …where multiple lines are allowed… And there are no freshwater season… But I digress.

    Posts: 151

    Hate to tell you the “Fishing Opener” is nothing but a marketing gimmick by the Minnesota Chamber of Commerce and Tourism, the Resort Owners Association and many other financial entities..has NOTHING to do with the biology. Why don’t Ndak and Sodak and other states have “Openers”? no need for it..just food for thought..I do like going out and getting together with friends and family though but I can fish 365 days a year if I want with a lot less bs.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    I would bet that the people who see it as a cluster are the people who don’t have traditions. I guess I am stating the obvious. If our boats weren’t on the water and docked before midnight on Friday, opener probably wouldn’t be much fun.

    Posts: 6687

    I would bet that the people who see it as a cluster are the people who don’t have traditions. I guess I am stating the obvious. If our boats weren’t on the water and docked before midnight on Friday, opener probably wouldn’t be much fun.

    That’s so weird, since fishing was a ton of fun for me 9 of the last 10 days that I fished.

    Must suck to consider everyday except for the opener to be ‘not much fun’

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12448

    FBRM I also love fishing and get out as much as possible all year round (though not as much as you), and guess what…? I still love fishing opener! I also don’t have the same tradition every year, but I do finding some people who want to go and decide where we are going. It is still a fun time, and good conversation piece for the weeks following for the less die hard anglers. It gives a lot of people a reason to get away, that they normally wouldn’t take. I don’t understand why people are opposed to it. For the “die hards” you should have your boat on the water Friday night, or so early Saturday you don’t deal with the cluster at the landing. And if you are a decent fisherman who doesn’t like crowds you should be able to find plenty of water away from people on the lakes it would be a problem. I usually spend opener on Mille Lacs or Leech, and rarely have another boat within shouting distance. As far as the biology, I agree, but there is nothing preventing you from fishing prior to opener. You can fish perch/panfish state wide, and there are plenty of border waters for toothy critters.

    Lino Lakes, MN
    Posts: 1380

    C&R will result in some released fish dying. Sure it might be low but it will happen. Hit up some panfishing or the river if you need to get it in earlier.

    I think the C&R happening on Mille Lacs in the middle of the summer looking for a keeper fish is by magnitude(s) more impactful.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    That’s so weird, since fishing was a ton of fun for me 9 of the last 10 days that I fished.

    Must suck to consider everyday except for the opener to be ‘not much fun’

    Because, that’s what I was saying. Try again.

    Posts: 1294

    Nope leave the opener be. Plenty of water to fish before opener. If you really love it you will find fish and water in your home state still.

    Still plenty of ice right now so I’m not even worried i’m still fishing now.

    Park Rapids
    Posts: 1452

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Mocha wrote:</div>
    We always have a number of guys that can only make for the opener. We get together the night before and drink a couple of beers and plan our strategy

    Im sure that would be impossible to do if there was no opener lol.

    Hey Jake, jon, Frank… How about we do our traditional get together may 11 this year…

    Nope, we cannot do that trip anymore because there no longer is an “opener” date. How could we possibly collectively pick a date to go fishing lol lol.

    People ask me every year what I’m doing for opener…. I just laugh a little and think to myself, probably do the same thing as yesterday… Go fishing.

    Im going to take a real stab in the dark here and guess you are on the younger side of life???

    Park Rapids
    Posts: 1452

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>suzuki wrote:</div>
    The vast majority of people have no problem with opener. Very few people dislike it.

    Guess I’m one of those few people.

    Boy, if you can’t find support for another week of Catch & Release Only fishing on a fishing forum, then the idea feels like it’s DOA to me. Gotta tell you though, this dismissal of Catch & Release fishing in favor of the tradition of ‘opener’ doesn’t seem based in fish biology; at least none that I’ve seen.

    Thanks to those who responded. I now know what Sen. Bakk faced back in 2012. Doubtful he will pursue that again in 2016 with the apparent overwhelming opposition from anglers.

    Another big leap here guessing your boat also has a trailer? Lots of options…..

    Posts: 6687

    Im going to take a real stab in the dark here and guess you are on the younger side of life???

    All depends on how you classify age of life, or how your trying to slight me.

    31yrs old.
    Grew up on a farm.
    Stayed gainfully employed my life.

    Have 11yr old child.
    Graduated college all while working over 40 hrs a week and taking care of a child.
    Have 8+ years engineering experience.

    Enjoy it that way.
    Have my hobbies figured out, and enjoy spending time on hobbies.
    Love my Independence.
    Do not live a traditional life style of wife and kids.
    Generally I consider myself significantly more mature due to life experiences than my peers.
    Generally not sympathetic to others eating the consequences of their actions.
    Stubborn. Proud.
    Prefers peace and quiet to social gatherings. Comfortable with my own thoughts. Patient.

    What do you want to poke fun at first?

    The fact that I don’t consider the first day of walleye harvest each year tradition?
    My age.
    My personality.

    Poke away.
    Or, continue to do so while making general statements hidden under the bleachers.

    No feelings hurt here.

    Do I validate your assumptions about?

    Posts: 24606

    Why don’t Ndak and Sodak and other states have “Openers”? no need for it..just food for thought..

    No need for it because the number of anglers in those states pale in comparison to those in MN so I don’t think you can just throw a blanket statement as fact in this instance.

    East Bethel, MN
    Posts: 11321

    The opposition to catch and release fishing is quite surprising and, so far, no one has given any concrete scientific reasons for why. Help me understand the resistance. Is there a reason based in science against catch & release that I’m not aware? If not, why begrudge me and many other sport anglers like me from going fishing – bass fishing in this case – when we will likely have open water for two months before the previously LEGISLATED ‘opener’ date this year?

    Shouldn’t you be the one providing concrete scientific reasons why? After all you’re the one offering a change that is not certain whether it would impact the resources or not.

    To me it’s a solution looking for a problem.

    I still hate the fact that laws are made and changed based solely on a certain group’s interest. There doesn’t have to be any scientific reason to change these laws which it flat out wrong.

    Posts: 151

    They get plenty of anglers from Minnesota I promise..I fish over there quite often and its mostly Minnesota anglers and vehicles I see..oops I hope I didn’t let the cat outta the bag on that..they don’t have closed seasons so there is no need for an “Opener”

    Posts: 24606

    They get plenty of anglers from Minnesota I promise..I fish over there quite often and its mostly Minnesota anglers and vehicles I see..oops I hope I didn’t let the cat outta the bag on that..they don’t have closed seasons so there is no need for an “Opener”

    I think everyone here is well aware that MN residents go there to fish. Heck, in some cases there are probably more MN residents than state residents fishing THEIR lakes. That still doesn’t change the fact they have much fewer anglers. Much fewer anglers = far less pressure.
    States wanting to entice MORE anglers? Lets offer something “their” state doesn’t have…A season that never closes.

    Mr. Derek
    Posts: 237

    “Fishing opener” must be a walleye thing, guess I wouldn’t understand.

    The "IGH"...
    Posts: 2092

    #Tradition…Look at Pheasant openors’: It’s warm, corn is still up, too many people and at times mosquitoes! Yet we all flock to the nearest field. Its a tradition. (I have given up on openors’ due to the mentioned reasons and strictly concentrate on Dec/Jan rooster hunts but TOTALLY understand the tradition involved with the October openor’…) RR

    Posts: 1277

    Although I see the other side, chalk me up as one more in favor of the tradition here.

    As a little boy, I remember my dad going with the guys for opener weekend. I wanted to tag along SO badly….. When I was 6-7 I got the chance. How great that was….. Now nearly 40 yrs later, the tradition still lives and I have been the main planner for over 20 yrs. Dad is still co-captain, and an uncle, friend, and my son round out the crew. I wouldn’t trade it for the world. The lakes are crowded, the landings are a CF, and the fishing is typically marginal…… and I wouldn’t change it for anything. My crew ranges from 9 to 81 yrs old and the ‘opener’ still means something, even though we all still fish a lot the rest of the year.

    christoper eide
    Posts: 24

    Quite frankly, the way i”ve been seeing the catch out on the ice, I would”nt mind seeing an every 3-4 year layoff on the season. Meaning, from feb 28th till opener, no fishing. We are wiping the fish out and wondering why. I fish a lot of lakes north of Brainerd, the catch is small, not like it used to be. The lobster fishermen in the east realized it, while they all took a hit, the end result was a bigger and better harvest. I’d gladly give up some fishing to improve the fishing!
    Maybe take some of the lottery money to help the resorts, just thinking and flying off the top of my head here. Also, realize this is the probably the wrong forum here. thats the only thing I will apologize for. Give me any crap, OK, send this to the right forum. I have no idea where to send this. I think I should just cancel my IDO membership.

    christoper eide
    Posts: 24

    Sorry folks, just got worked up, like I always do at the near end of ice. I to, love the opener of open water, lot”s of memories.

    Minneapolis MN
    Posts: 1840

    There are reasons to protect some species of fish with seasons. Some real damage can be done when some fish are in their winter mode. Even with catch and release, they are not able to replenish the energy lost by being caught. It weakens them and their immune system. Not that this is true of all MN fish. With Bass we often fihed during the spawn, just because they weren’t done when it opened. Taking fish off beds does increase create opportunities for the nest to be raided. But given the number of fry, it doesn’t seem to lower the number of fish that survive their first year.

    I don’t really think we need a walleye, bass, pike or panfish season and the opener likely gives resorts and the supporting communities a start date. But changing it means redesigning the whole process, licenses, tackle shows, boat sales, etc.

    Posts: 811

    Research on Catch & Release?? There is plenty available on the net. Here is some…

    Walleye hooking mortality is generally lower than that experienced by other species (Muoneke and Childress 1994). One study reported no delayed mortality for walleye caught using single hook, artificial lures and natural baits (Parks and Kraai 1991). Payer (1989) observed no mortality for walleye caught using artificial lures, although 10 per cent of fish caught using leeches died soon after release because of hooking damage to the throat and gut. Environmental conditions also influence mortality rates of walleye. One study reported no mortality when water temperatures were less than 20 degrees Celsius, but up to 12 per cent mortality when temperatures were greater than 20 degrees Celsius (Reeves and Bruesewitz 2007). Catching walleye at water depths over 30 metres may also increase mortality due to distended or damaged swim bladders (Fletcher 1987). Northern pike studies have found no statistical difference in mortality when pike are captured using different gear types (Arlinghaus and others 2008; Burkholder 1992). Mortality of pike caught with single hooks was zero per cent, large treble hooks was three per cent and small treble hooks was five per cent (Burkholder 1992). Other studies have also reported mortality rates less than three per cent (Arlinghaus and others 2008; Dubois and others 1994). In contrast, Falk and Gillman (1975) reported CR mortalities of five per cent and 11 per cent for pike caught on barbed and barbless hooks, respectively. I was unable to find any studies investigating the effects of water temperature on survival.

    Some general patterns emerge from the research. Using live bait significantly increases the chance of delayed mortality, but by different degrees depending on species. High water temperatures also can vastly increase the number of fish that die after release.

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