Minn Kota Terrova Foot pedal – Speed roller problem – Help

  • fishthumper
    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12618

    My buddy started having a problem with his Minn Kota Terrova Foot Pedal. The speed roller is off and what should be 0 and Off is not and other speed setting are also off. He purchased a new foot pedal, but I want to get this one up and running to have as a backup as both him and I have the same unit and a backup would be nice ( Great to have a back up on our long Canada trips ) I found a you tube video on it and it seems like a simple fix. There is a key slot in the roller that controls the speed and position. If to much pressure is put on the roller the key slot slips and is off position. Once the pedal is apart the fix seems real simple. Getting the pedal apart seems a bit tougher. Lots to buttons with spring below them to watch out for when taking apart. Anyone here ever taken one of these foot pedal apart ? Just looking for tips and tricks other may have found as well as possible issues to be aware of.

    Eastern Iowa
    Posts: 174

    I took one apart for the same fix. There are a few screws on the bottom and some tabs that lock into slots. I found it impossible to get the tabs loose without cutting them off. I cut the tabs first then took out the screws. On reassembly, the screws will hold everything together. I don’t recall having any issues with springs, etc.

    Posts: 1214

    My terrova foot pedal is now doing this. It’s about 1 1/2 off from dial to remote. (3 on dial 1 1/2 on remote) it’s annoying but not sure worth fixing yet since I usually don’t go above 7. With it being off on the foot pedal would that mean if I do turn it up to 10 would it be more like 8 1/2? I have a lithium battery now and heard to not turn it to 10 or if you do it should be for a very short time.

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12618

    My terrova foot pedal is now doing this. It’s about 1 1/2 off from dial to remote. (3 on dial 1 1/2 on remote) it’s annoying but not sure worth fixing yet since I usually don’t go above 7. With it being off on the foot pedal would that mean if I do turn it up to 10 would it be more like 8 1/2? I have a lithium battery now and heard to not turn it to 10 or if you do it should be for a very short time.


    Sounds like the same issue. The problem with my buddies is the power does not go off when you spin the dial to 0. I did not get around to pulling it apart just yet. may tackle it tonight after work.

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