Minn-Kota Talon 15′

  • riverbassman
    Posts: 297

    2020 Talon 15′ long includes:
    Jackplate Bracket, Tilt Bracket, Foot and hand remotes.
    Works as should with zero issues. Total package new would be $3,200+
    Asking $1,800 for everything.

    1. Talon-Remotes.jpg

    2. Talon-off-Boat.jpg

    3. Talon-Controls-close-up.jpg

    4. Talon-On-boat.jpg

    Posts: 297

    Where are you located

    Wisconsin Rapids (central WI). However, have travel plans and family will also be on road so maybe something can be worked out depending where you are.

    River Falls, WI
    Posts: 1791

    This one is sold. I bought it )

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