Mini tractor

  • Dutchboy
    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17391

    I don’t even know if that’s the correct term for them.
    Anyway has anybody put a snow blower on one? How about a skidsteer. Anybody have one mounted on one of those? Looking for pro’s cons, cost.

    Any input would be welcome. applause

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12930

    i had a friend who owned a skid steer for his plumbing business and the campground he owns and had a blower on it. i thought it worked great. then he got rid of the blower, not sure why. i felt it works better then a scoop, no piles.

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13910

    By mini are you thinking garden tractor like a heavy duty lawnmower or a small hp tractor?

    I don’t have the snow blower for my tractor, just the blade. When it’s too much for the atv, my case does the job. We also just have a snowplow for the skid steer. I don’t like wheeled skid steers, I just use the tracked.

    My neighbor has the snowblower attachment on his Deere lawnmower. Seems to do a decent job. I don’t see him clearing too many jams

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17391

    Thanks guy, I’m thinking more like the little Kubota & John Deere tractors. Definitely not a garden tractor or riding mower.

    Brian G
    Independence, MN
    Posts: 161

    I run a 2018 Kubota BX2380 compact tractor. It has both rear and mid mount PTOs and a 23HP diesel engine. I have a 48 inch front mount snowblower for it with a back blade that works great. I also have a 48 inch tiller that’s awesome for my food plots. When the snowblower is not in use it has a bucket that mounts on the front that works well for moving landscape rock, mulch, dirt etc. around. I bought everything slightly used for about $14k and am very happy with the rig and attachments so far. This spring I plan to add a post hole digger for the rear 3 point hitch for planting trees.

    Brian G
    Independence, MN
    Posts: 161

    I run a 2018 Kubota BX2380 compact tractor. It has both rear and mid mount PTOs and a 23HP diesel engine. I have a 48 inch front mount snowblower for it with a back blade that works great. I also have a 48 inch tiller that’s awesome for my food plots. When the snowblower is not in use it has a bucket that mounts on the front that works well for moving landscape rock, mulch, dirt etc. around. I bought everything slightly used for about $14k and am very happy with the rig and attachments so far. This spring I plan to add a post hole digger for the rear 3 point hitch for planting trees.

    Hot Runr Guy
    West Chicago, IL
    Posts: 1933

    Thanks guy, I’m thinking more like the little Kubota & John Deere tractors. Definitely not a garden tractor or riding mower.

    Wait, aren’t you going to just push the snow in the ditch across the street, like at the old house?

    Hahaha, HRG

    Posts: 54

    We have a blower on the bobcat works great. Throws even the heavy slush.

    Hastings, Mn
    Posts: 477

    I have a 22hp diesel Kubota with a 50″ front mounted snow blower. Works great. I have a little over 1/4 mile of driveway. The blower is the way to go as it doesn’t create drifting spots and you keep the gravel on the driveway. I also have the loader for it. I like how it fits into tight areas and doesn’t ruin my grass with ruts. However, sometimes I wish I had the power of a skidsteer! Hard to have it all.

    Posts: 4802

    Man I swear every week your buying something new lol. You went from a trike, snowmobile, skid house and now a tractor. Did you actually buy all this stuff? If so I would love to see your garage to drool over jester

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12930

    Man I swear every week your buying something new lol. You went from a trike, snowmobile, skid house and now a tractor. Did you actually buy all this stuff? If so I would love to see your garage to drool over jester

    well I did see his old garage devil rotflol

    spring valley mn
    Posts: 756

    Got a blower on a 7800 gehl hooked on high flow side. nothing can stop it ice, slush, mud, gravel or my lawn it was a little learning curve but after 8 or so years I got it mastered its a beast oh need chains is a must

    Posts: 1285

    Myself, I use a skid steer with a snowplow,I bought the plow off a truck that was going to the junkyard, bought a universal bracket for the skid steer, welded up 2 brackets to fit the plow, and 2 couplers to fit the skid steer and hoses. I have full left and right swing on the plow, maybe have $300.00 total in it. another option if you don’t need the plow to swing would be a snow pusher, I have seen them sell for around $600.00 and you can either get them for tractor or skid steer.
    snow blower will work well if the snow is dry or you have enough HP or hydraulic flow to spin the augers.
    I have a gravel driveway, a snowblower isn’t a good option for me.

    Hastings, Mn
    Posts: 477

    Myself, I use a skid steer with a snowplow,I bought the plow off a truck that was going to the junkyard, bought a universal bracket for the skid steer, welded up 2 brackets to fit the plow, and 2 couplers to fit the skid steer and hoses. I have full left and right swing on the plow, maybe have $300.00 total in it. another option if you don’t need the plow to swing would be a snow pusher, I have seen them sell for around $600.00 and you can either get them for tractor or skid steer.
    snow blower will work well if the snow is dry or you have enough HP or hydraulic flow to spin the augers.
    I have a gravel driveway, a snowblower isn’t a good option for me.

    Everyone of my neighbors uses some sort of snowblower with gravel driveways. Skidloaders, compact tractors and large tractors with 8′ double augers. The gravel actually stays on the driveway unlike a plow.

    Posts: 1285

    I didn’t say you couldn’t use a blower on gravel, and yes you can plow the gravel off a driveway if you don’t use plow shoes, I wait until the snow is packed down if possible before I start plowing. a fairly long driveway like mine, a plow gets the job done faster.

    Red wing,mn
    Posts: 1632

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Dutchboy wrote:</div>
    Thanks guy, I’m thinking more like the little Kubota & John Deere tractors. Definitely not a garden tractor or riding mower.

    Wait, aren’t you going to just push the snow in the ditch across the street, like at the old house?

    Hahaha, HRG

    The law doesn’t say you can’t blow it across!!! 😊

    Posts: 1285

    In Wisconsin you can get fined for leaving a snow ridge across a township road, and if someone hits a ridge and losses control of their car you can be held responsible.

    Between Pool 2 and Pool 4
    Posts: 788

    I’ve sold both (Bobcat and Kubota) for about 25 years now. A skid steer and a snowblower combination works very well, even great if you have the right skid steer and snowblower combination with high flow hydraulics.

    A PTO driven snow blower on a tractor is going to be more efficient than a hydraulic driven snow blower on a skid steer, especially when you start comparing equal horsepower. A Skid steer is far more compact on say a 60 hp machine versus a 60 hp tractor. That is where the compact or subcompact tractors rule. A few have commented here that they have the Kubota BX2380 or similar Kubota sub compact tractors that work excellent. Granted they are running a 50” Snowblower versus a 5 or 6 foot snowblower or larger on a skid steer but the investment is easily 1/2.

    Me, I run something called a Bobcat toolcat. It has similar hydraulic capabilities to a skid steer and uses skid steer attachments so I run a 72 inch high flow snowblower that kicks azz. I bought mine used but new the package would be over $60,000. You can get into a new sub compact tractor without a cab but a nice snowblower for well under $20,000. I had certain lifting requirements, round Hay bales, So a compact or subcompact tractor would not work for me for lifting. Had I only needed some thing for snowblowing and other lighter loader work, I would have taken the same money I spent on the used machine and bought a new tractor with the snowblower.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17391

    Man I swear every week your buying something new lol. You went from a trike, snowmobile, skid house and now a tractor. Did you actually buy all this stuff? If so I would love to see your garage to drool over jester

    Well ta helps ya i’ll explain a bit.

    Nest month I’m taking a trip south. If I find a Trike or Goldwing I like I will bring it back.

    If I decide to get a skid house I’ll want to drag it around with a wheeler or snowmobile. Don’t need one without the other. So gotta figure out if I want to get into ice fishing.

    Looking for a little extra money. Thought either a mini tractor or skidsteer with some attachments might be doable. Just wondering about a snow blower for either.

    There ya have it. I’ve asked about a lot and bought nothing but might buy something. wink

    As far as a garage or shed we will cross that bridge when we get to it. grin

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17391

    I’ve sold both (Bobcat and Kubota) for about 25 years now. A skid steer and a snowblower combination works very well, even great if you have the right skid steer and snowblower combination with high flow hydraulics.

    A PTO driven snow blower on a tractor is going to be more efficient than a hydraulic driven snow blower on a skid steer, especially when you start comparing equal horsepower. A Skid steer is far more compact on say a 60 hp machine versus a 60 hp tractor. That is where the compact or subcompact tractors rule. A few have commented here that they have the Kubota BX2380 or similar Kubota sub compact tractors that work excellent. Granted they are running a 50” Snowblower versus a 5 or 6 foot snowblower or larger on a skid steer but the investment is easily 1/2.

    Me, I run something called a Bobcat toolcat. It has similar hydraulic capabilities to a skid steer and uses skid steer attachments so I run a 72 inch high flow snowblower that kicks azz. I bought mine used but new the package would be over $60,000. You can get into a new sub compact tractor without a cab but a nice snowblower for well under $20,000. I had certain lifting requirements, round Hay bales, So a compact or subcompact tractor would not work for me for lifting. Had I only needed some thing for snowblowing and other lighter loader work, I would have taken the same money I spent on the used machine and bought a new tractor with the snowblower.

    Do you guys have a web site?
    What kind of warranty can I expect on used equipment if any?
    How far away would you guys deliver? I’m in International Falls.

    Thanks. grin

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22107

    Man I swear every week your buying something new lol. You went from a trike, snowmobile, skid house and now a tractor. Did you actually buy all this stuff? If so I would love to see your garage to drool over jester

    His last garage was impressive. I imagine the next one will be as well.
    Even though I had a very hard time getting past the boat that he owned. Came out of my dream land. waytogo

    Posts: 19

    I’ve used a utility tractor for 20 plus years. Went from kubota L245DT with loader and 3pt 60” snowblower to a John Deere with front mounted blower and couldn’t be happier

    1. 09D944C4-D464-420A-BB89-E6F506E58F61.jpeg

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17391

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Coletrain27 wrote:</div>
    Man I swear every week your buying something new lol. You went from a trike, snowmobile, skid house and now a tractor. Did you actually buy all this stuff? If so I would love to see your garage to drool over jester

    His last garage was impressive. I imagine the next one will be as well.
    Even though I had a very hard time getting past the boat that he owned. Came out of my dream land. waytogo

    If you don’t like my boat I bet your kid will jump in with me. rotflol

    Between Pool 2 and Pool 4
    Posts: 788

    Do you guys have a web site?
    What kind of warranty can I expect on used equipment if any?
    How far away would you guys deliver? I’m in International Falls.

    Thanks. grin
    We’re the oldest Bobcat dealer in the world and a very large Kubota dealer.

    Yep either we can deliver or arrange for it.
    Warranty depends on the machine but usually something even on older stuff. Minimum would be 30 days 50/50 on major components. Even with that it still be hooves us to find and address issues before it goes out.
    Stuff moves very quick these days so if I knew what you were looking for budget wise I can keep an eye out. You can PM me that info if you’d like.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17391

    Will do, thanks for getting back to me.

    Slipbob nick
    Posts: 133

    My neighbor has a compact Kubota with a cab. He really gets the use out of it.

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