Wellllll…………wish I had more to report on the fishing, but it was simply TOUGH. I really appreciate all of you that offered assistance. We fished about 3-4 hours each morning. Air temps were in the mid-90s, water temps were around 70. Heck, I thought I left that temp behind at home!!! UGGG. As I shared with many of you, I just simply don’t use live bait, so I know as always, that hurts me, but it’s just the way I like to go after em. So, we fished about 3 hours a day for smallies and one hour for pike over the cabbage.
Tried drop shotting quite a bit, no luck. Flipped a ned rig and tube quite a bit. Tried hard to stay on rocks, fished many reefs. Used LiveScope, although it’s new to me so not great with it. Only caught 6 smallmouth in total. Three toads………5 1/2, 4 3/4, and a 4 1/2. THAT was fun! Caught only 3 pike. Nothing big. Around 4-5 pounds was biggest. Tried like heck in Isle bay, but only caught one of them in there. Found a good spot in Wahkon bay in about 10 foot of water on the last morning and had more luck. Lost about a ten pounder trying to grab him.
Had great luck at the casino, so that was fun. Was a very nice place and everyone was very friendly to us. REALLY enjoyed the Isle pizza/bowling alley. Played Itazy’s twice. Tore it up on day one……….played terribly on day two and my wife took my money! Enjoyed a Mexican restaurant about 20 miles to the SE of Isle for lunch one day. Great food!
Again, really appreciate everyone’s help! Glad I made the trip. Grabbed some Iowa sweet corn on the way home. And, now back to fishing my home spot………lake of the ozarks next week…….where I actually KNOW what I’m doing!!!
Hope everyone enjoys the fall, hunting season, and the holidays!