Mille Lacs – Netting 2023

  • buckybadger
    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 8973

    IDO has been boring. Dutch is slacking with keeping people riled up around here.

    Is the Mille Lacs netting done or ongoing? Is data from this ever shared publicly? I admittedly know little about the process.

    Has this horse just been beaten so many times that people no longer talk about it? It used to be there were pictures and posts and questions about every step of it, regulations (or lack thereof), arguments, and so on. Now it’s as if this doesn’t ever take place.

    My sister just built a beautiful cabin in NW Wisconsin on a lake and were shocked to see the native spearing going on at night on their shoreline the other weekend. They’ve donated a lot of money to walleye stocking efforts on the lake they’re on that is basically pi$$ing into the wind.

    Posts: 12731

    Is it still going on? Yes mostly by Wisconsin tribes.

    Loose data is showed on DNR website for lbs allowed. Odd they never hit the actual quota. whistling

    Pictures in the ice out thread.

    Kind of pointless to argue about it now.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18754

    Is it still going on? Yes mostly by Wisconsin tribes.

    Isn’t it mostly the Fond Du Lac band?

    Posts: 12731

    I didn’t ask them last time we were BSing at the landing… whistling

    John Rasmussen
    Posts: 6724

    It makes me so angry that I find it healthier to not talk about it to much. This is the first year I heard of them spearing at night with spot lights, so they basically have no rules, we are supposed to just sit back and say nothing. This world is pretty much screwed with all the political correctness and everyone worried about everyone else’s feelers. I feel bad for the future generations, the real question is how the hell did we get here from a great country that fought for our rights to a weak one that is having them taken away. Sorry off topic but like I said this all gets me fired up.

    Charlie W
    TRF / Pool 3 / Grand Rapids, MN / SJU
    Posts: 1344

    Have connection to the ML fisheries dept. Natives are still netting and spearing. Native nets do get in the way of DNR work but usually can work around them just fine.

    Posts: 12731

    It makes me so angry that I find it healthier to not talk about it to much. This is the first year I heard of them spearing at night with spot lights, so they basically have no rules, we are supposed to just sit back and say nothing. This world is pretty much screwed with all the political correctness and everyone worried about everyone else’s feelers. I feel bad for the future generations, the real question is how the hell did we get here from a great country that fought for our rights to a weak one that is having them taken away. Sorry off topic but like I said this all gets me fired up.

    Been spearing at night for years.

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 8973

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Ripjiggen wrote:</div>
    Kind of pointless to argue about it now.

    Yep it isnt going anywhere so why argue about it.

    …the same could be said for taxes, our President, corrupt politicians from all sides, political correctness, etc. but we rehash those debates and arguments daily coffee

    I’m not sure that “ignoring” something that the masses disagree with is the answer. Awareness is important even if there’s no avenue for change at the moment. I don’t know a whole lot about it – hence why it interests me.

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12559

    It makes me so angry that I find it healthier to not talk about it to much. This is the first year I heard of them spearing at night with spot lights, so they basically have no rules, we are supposed to just sit back and say nothing. This world is pretty much screwed with all the political correctness and everyone worried about everyone else’s feelers. I feel bad for the future generations, the real question is how the hell did we get here from a great country that fought for our rights to a weak one that is having them taken away. Sorry off topic but like I said this all gets me fired up.

    Don’t be sorry John – You are 100% correct on all statements. To answer the question of how this once great country got to this current situation, is that far to many people who feel like you do, sit back and keep their mouth shut and let things around them change. Those who don’t feel like you do are real quick to make their voices heard loud and clear. To many people see a little change happening and believe that its OK because its not a big deal and it will stop at the little change. Its only after many little changes are made that you then notice that overall a big change has been made and its either to late or really difficult to undo the changes. That’s why its so important to never let the Government start to take control of everything. They will never stop once they start. They are intended to work for us, not the other way around.

    Posts: 12731

    the same could be said for taxes, our President, corrupt politicians from all sides, political correctness, etc. but we rehash those debates and arguments daily coffee

    Well some people in here do anyway.

    Two Harbors, MN
    Posts: 3907

    You bet they are out there exercising their traditions with their Aluminum boats, Mercury outboards, Honda generators, halogen lights, welded spears, putting fish in plastic totes, cutting with Lithium Ion knives camping in their Winnebago motorhomes at the public access with No Camping Allowed signs.

    Posts: 4360

    Do the strobe lights on the winnebago reflect off the Team Walz flag flying in the breeze?

    South end
    Posts: 745

    What chaps my azz is that when the GOP State Rep, State senator, & US Congressmen had a GOP POTUS they did nothing about the fact that this treaty could have been revoked, via the plain English in it AT THE PLEASURE OF THE PRESIDENT!
    There, I feel much better.

    Some locals have tried to access the “encampments”. Tribal police discourage them.
    Also all netting is supposed to cease when one species (IE Pike) has its limit reached and no netted fish is to be returned to the lake. Lots of smallish pike are caught that are damaged around their gills. wink

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 8973

    If MN Fish was worth a _______, they’d at least organize themselves against this. If they wanted to really ramp up funding and support for their elite club, a very vanilla statement against netting made public would probably increase donations in a hurry. It’s not like they’d really have to even take action whatsoever.

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12448

    If MN Fish was worth a _______, they’d at least organize themselves against this. If they wanted to really ramp up funding and support for their elite club, a very vanilla statement against netting made public would probably increase donations in a hurry. It’s not like they’d really have to even take action whatsoever.

    Agreed. However, that would draw the ire of the Governor and Lt Governor who are not even remotely trying to hide that they pledge allegiance to (literally for the Lt Gov) the Tribe, the Tribes pays their bills, and receives the payoff from the Gov in the form of transferring land to the tribes, expansion of the tribal gambling monopoly and elimination of E-Tabs competition. MN Fish is not going to emphasize any hot button issue, they are going to beg for scraps and play nice in doing so. I’ve been arguing that the tribal issue is much bigger than just Mille Lacs for years, even though ML is a huge issue to me, and well it’s a losing battle thus far to say the least. FWIW if you haven’t noticed yet, the tribes quest for power and tribal members overall well being are two entirely different things.

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 8973

    I agree completely.

    I have no major vested interest in Mille Lacs whatsoever, but still can see where this is spiraling with tribal rights and expanded power in both land control and political atmospheres (without improving the lives of those who live within reservation lands).

    It’s always puzzled me why landowners, business owners, anglers who actually frequent the area, and so on are relatively quiet about these treaty rights/privileges and how this fits within modern society. I thought that maybe I was misunderstanding the situation being an outsider not tied to that area as a regular (Hence the original post). It turns out that many are just quiet on the issue because it’s the common defeatist stance?

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18754

    It turns out that many are just quiet on the issue because it’s the common defeatist stance?

    Ya, I would say that. The Supreme Court’s decision to uphold it is literally the highest judicial entity there is in this country.

    While I do not agree with it, being that its already gone that route and the decision has been made, there really are no other options but to live with it.

    I do believe that at one point they did not have to count northern pike in their quota but that has changed. Any pike caught in their nets counts towards the allotment.

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12448

    It’s always puzzled me why landowners, business owners, anglers who actually frequent the area, and so on are relatively quiet about these treaty rights/privileges and how this fits within modern society. I thought that maybe I was misunderstanding the situation being an outsider not tied to that area as a regular (Hence the original post). It turns out that many are just quiet on the issue because it’s the common defeatist stance?

    I’ll assume you are being honest and just haven’t been following along. Landowner’s, Business Owners and Anglers have been very vocal for a very long time. They have sued, started groups to advocate (PERM), and even got a Mille Lacs Advisory Council sat by the DNR. And the DNR/state (since it’s political management instead of scientific) does not listen, they pat them on the head, say thanks for you input, but we are on stolen land and the tribe gets what it wants. End of story. If you know of anyway around it, let me know!

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12559

    The truth is no one has any idea of how much or what is being taken out of Mille lacs or any other lake they are netting or spearing from. The reporting and enforcement on the quota’s are being handled by the bands themselves. That would be the same at the Police being in charge of investigating the police or Politicians being in charge of investigating politicians.

    Gitchi Gummi
    Posts: 3413

    netting… spearing at night with headlights… totally fine

    trolling shallow with stick baits at night and catching/releasing… ILLEGAL!!!!!!

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 8973

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>buckybadger wrote:</div>
    It’s always puzzled me why landowners, business owners, anglers who actually frequent the area, and so on are relatively quiet about these treaty rights/privileges and how this fits within modern society. I thought that maybe I was misunderstanding the situation being an outsider not tied to that area as a regular (Hence the original post). It turns out that many are just quiet on the issue because it’s the common defeatist stance?

    I’ll assume you are being honest and just haven’t been following along. Landowner’s, Business Owners and Anglers have been very vocal for a very long time. They have sued, started groups to advocate (PERM), and even got a Mille Lacs Advisory Council sat by the DNR. And the DNR/state (since it’s political management instead of scientific) does not listen, they pat them on the head, say thanks for you input, but we are on stolen land and the tribe gets what it wants. End of story. If you know of anyway around it, let me know!

    No ill intent. I’m not really informed on the topic and have learned quite a bit.

    From an outsiders’ perspective it just seems like years ago it was a big issue, and now it is essentially not mentioned anywhere.

    Full draw
    Posts: 1498

    I think I am going to identify as a native and go fishing on Mille lacs tomorrow. What’s my quota again?

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18754

    There is a lot of misinformation about the netting that is done on Mille Lacs. This is a year old but clarifies a lot of it here. The quota is tracked by the DNR and every fish is weighed on site during these netting periods. Of note, the tribes have literally never taken their full quota of the agreed harvest since the treaty was affirmed.

    Harassing tribal members during this ritual is and has been cited as a felony. Not worth it if you ask me.

    St. Peter, MN
    Posts: 1283

    JESUS!!!!!!!! H!!!!!!! really Gimrius?? as reported by the Fing Star Trib.. Wake up dude!

    oops not Star Trib…… Might as well be though.

    Just your friendly reminder that Roscoe and Hogg have it covered… No need to call Bo and Luke…. but if you do…. hazard county (or MN) will lock you law abiding citizens up.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18754

    JESUS!!!!!!!! H!!!!!!! really Gimrius?? as reported by the Fing Star Trib.. Wake up dude!

    Its the Mille Lacs Messanger. I don’t see anything about the Star Tribune.

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12448

    Gim= That article is nearly all BS, as is your comments. Re: Your comments: The MN DNR does not weigh any fish, nor track the tribal harvest in any manner. GLIFWC has it’s members self report, they tell the DNR and the DNR accepts that as fact.

    Re: The Article: A dead fish is not a dead fish. A fish can die from a long list of things throughout the year, so a fish that survives all of them and makes it to spawn is more valuable and should be allowed to complete it’s spawn before being taken. Fish recruitment is done by the billions of eggs, and a very small percentage get fertilized, hatch and live beyond year 1. So every female that is removed has some % negative impact. It’s similar to compounding interest, and every miniscule change in egg production/availability lowers the long term return in adult walleye. Weather has a bigger impact on recruitment, but the same philosophy applies. Think of your mortgage, and whether you have a 2% interest rate, 2.5%, 3% or 9.5%. It adds up.

    Secondly, “they don’t net the whole lake”. They don’t have to, anyone even remotely familiar with fish/walleye spawning knows they congregate in the same small, relative to the overall lake, area to spawn, so you don’t need hundreds of miles of nets, to effectively net the “whole lake”.

    Finally, “Every fish that comes into the landing, whether speared or netted, is counted and weighed.” Again not true as anyone who has every watched them filling totes and driving them away can attest to. Or the general lack of GLIFWC at the landings. And if true, why isn’t that info shared with the public? A little transparency would go a long ways in rebuilding the trust in MN DNR and Glifwc’s management of the lake. We can’t even get transparency in the meetings between the DNR and GLIFWC, let alone actual data.

    Jon Jordan
    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 6130

    There is a lot of misinformation about the netting that is done on Mille Lacs. This is a year old but clarifies a lot of it here. The quota is tracked by the DNR and every fish is weighed on site during these netting periods. Of note, the tribes have literally never taken their full quota of the agreed harvest since the treaty was affirmed.

    That article at a minimum is misleading. The writer is not a reporter. He is a columnist. Columnists write opinions. Reporters check facts.

    -J. coffee

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18754

    So is it true that the tribes have never taken their full allotment of the quota? Or is that just a made up number that the Commission reports every spring? A serious question.

    While I do agree that there should be more transparency in the process, interfering with it while it occurs can and will get into some deep sh**. If that’s a risk you’re willing to take, so be it. I’m not.

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12448

    So is it true that the tribes have never taken their full allotment of the quota? Or is that just a made up number that the Commission reports every spring? A serious question.

    If you trust people to self report accurately and honestly, and then trust GLIFWC to tally those #’s and report them to the DNR honestly and accurately without any supervision or auditing, then yes it’s correct. Personally I don’t have that much faith in individuals (of any race) nor govt bureaucracy (of any govt) to do so.

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