mille lacs lake property owners

  • TripleA
    Posts: 655

    its not the netting, but lets keep the fantasy alive, right? Also, lets stock it next spring! That has no basis in science either, but it makes a good headline. No netting=more walleyes! stocking=more walleyes!! yay, that’s fun.

    Must be joking. Obviously netting during the spawn will reduce walleye population. (I don’t even have a masters in fish biology and I figured it out)

    central MN
    Posts: 202

    Arguing the tax break for the local homeowners is a joke. Sorry- home values fluctuate everywhere that’s the risk of being a homeowner… no tax breaks for the millions that bought with adjustable rates… why for lake home owners?

    BUT- arguing a tax break for the BUSINESSES that have profited for many years off of state funded walleye stocking and the Tribal netting for profit is even worse. No winners here fellas. Businesses profited and did not save $ as a homeowner is expected to for the DOWN TIMES, now the lake declines and “we” bail out the businesses but leave the homeowners to scrounge for food (best I could come up with). NO BAILOUTS…. SIMPLE. why bail out the business owners and not the lake home owners????? Business profits FLUCTUATE EVEN WORSE THAN HOME VALUES DO! Neither deserve any bailout, the DNR deserves job turnovers at the highest level period. Fix the problem instead of band aiding it like every other band aid the government wastes our money on.

    No walleye stocking in ML. Or should I say NO STATE WALLYEYE STOCKING on Mille Lacs.

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