mille lacs lake property owners

  • puddlepounder
    Cove Bay Mille Lacs lake MN
    Posts: 1814

    After talking to the aid for senator brown, the property tax breaks the they are talking about are for businesses and commercial properties only. There is no talk of property tax relief for private property owners. I did express my concerns about all the rules and regulations and restrictions that we have to abide by and we, as private property owners deserve tax breaks as much as the area businesses do. We do have a dog in this fight. I suggest that you talk to all your neighbors and have them contact representative Erickson and senator David brown to so private property owners will be included in the property tax relief. Maybe I am way off here, but I don’t think so and will be meeting with my neighbors Tomorrow. By the way, Sondra Erickson is chair of the tax committee

    central MN
    Posts: 202

    I think everyone who has to listen to this rubbish should get a property tax break.

    We didn’t tell you to live there, we don’t make you live there, we don’t care if you live there. Why should we pay you to live in a mansion on the lake with our tax dollars?

    Shouldn’t I get a tax break if I have to follow a regulation? What about a watering ban in the cities, that’s a rule and regulation they have to follow now they all deserve tax breaks.

    Homeowners looking for a handout from the government because of this is has got to be a new low. Businesses who actually need the money to survive are going to have to compete with these “I’m entitled” cry baby homeowners.

    Minocqua, WI
    Posts: 1737

    This should get interesting…


    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    I had 7 trips flooded out last year and no one has contacted me about a new boat YET!

    I did express my concerns about all the rules and regulations and restrictions that we have to abide by and we, as private property owners deserve tax breaks as much as the area businesses do.

    Puddle, help me, (and apparently others) on what your thoughts are here.

    I’m not sure what rules and regs your talking about but the folks along the river get flooded out every few years and they don’t receive any help with the exception of flood insurance.

    There are so many rule from the FED, State and local levels we have to read up on what color TP we can use on each day of the week.

    Hopefully the people that might not share your vision will be respectful <hint>.

    Bob Carlson
    Mille Lacs Lake (eastside), Mn.
    Posts: 2936

    Our property values are going down. There are properties all around the lake that are for sale and are not selling. I have 4 homes just on our dead end street on the eastside. They have been on the market for 2 years now….no one is buying? why the fishing issues, so it not only is effecting the businesses but the homes owners also. Another home just north of here had a deal close to getting done and it fell through after the walleye closer was announced?

    So the fishing issues are effecting us home owners also…..and its costing us money maybe not as much a business but still costing us!

    Posts: 0

    Poor me, me, me.

    David Blais
    Posts: 766

    I enjoy fishing Mille Lacs, and now I can’t. Let’s have the governor give us all money so we can afford to drive up to lake of the woods… Where do the hand outs end? There is allot of business’ struggling right now. We have the highest unemployment rate in history, more people are on food stamps then ever before. The national debt has reached the highest ever. Have outs are not free for everyone, usually not even for you in the long run. If you think property tax won’t sky rocket in years to come, your crazy. They will get their money back! As a resort owner, you need to know, when hard times come, you are the first factor cut out of the family budget.

    Sense when is the Walleye the only fish in that damn lake!

    David Blais
    Posts: 766

    As to the home owners up there, ever thought maybe you bought a home where little to no job exists. If your home purchase was based solely on the Walleye fish in Mille Lacs, that’s just sad.
    I’m all for chasing the dream and living in the beautiful north words, but quit your crying. The rest of us are jealous you get to live up there, and we have to commute on weekends when it’s convenient.

    Cove Bay Mille Lacs lake MN
    Posts: 1814

    we have a time limit to when we can fish. 0600 to 2200, from 2200 to 0600 if you want to be on the lake, you must remove ALL fishing tackle from the boat. If the DNR made a rule that the river was only open to catfishing from 0600 to 2200, only because they couldn’t manage the river properly. Flooding is a natural disaster and isn’t a good comparison.

    what if the city you live in told the people on your block, you can’t use your yard from 10:00pm until 6:00am, campfire must go out and all lawn chairs must removed from the lawn. The only thing you can do in your yard is walk through it, you can’t even have a beer in your hand. The wood you use for your campfire has to be 16 to 18 long, if you get caught using wood longer or shorter, you will be fined. The people that live across the street can use their yard all night long and can burn any size fire wood. I would gladly forgo watering my yard if I could fish after 10:00pm. I do CHOOSE to live here, and i GLADLY pay a premium to do so. Can you name a lake here in Minnesota that the residents can’t use it after a certain time?
    the bars actually like the 10:00pm fishing ban, they get a influx of business when all the fisherman come off the lake

    Duluth, Mn
    Posts: 306

    No different than people trying to sell land for deer hunting up North where the deer numbers have crashed. Tax relief? Don’t think so.

    Minneapolis MN
    Posts: 1840

    Attend the hearing yesterday, I’m guessing we are headed for a Special Session, rough estimate is 10 million package for businesses around the lake, maybe some property tax abatement for them and zero interest loans, but way to early to tell.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    We do have restrictions on the size of wood we can use in our recreational fires.

    The new boat for flooding was in jest.

    To be honest, if the DNR closed cat fishing all together, I would still be on the river. I would leave for two reasons.
    1) I couldn’t afford it any longer.
    2) I couldn’t stomach the landlord.
    Fishing itself has very little to do with having a little camper on the river…and that’s coming from a guide.

    They are placing a septic system across the road from my house. Property values are said to be dropping.
    Some are going after the City of Afton for relief.

    All I can say is good luck. I see your issue.

    Ralph Wiggum
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 11764

    Where does it say you can’t use the lake? You’ve still got the view. You can go take a swim. You can boat recreationally. I’m sorry, but I don’t think you’re going to get a whole lot of sympathy.

    Shell Rock Iowa
    Posts: 3130

    I have 4 homes just on our dead end street on the eastside. They have been on the market for 2 years now….no one is buying?

    Houses are affected by the market same as boats or any other item. They are only worth what a willing buyer and seller agree upon. If an item has been on the market for two years and hasn’t sold, the asking price is more than what buyers are willing to pay. Usually the owner will lower his asking price till it sells,,,,,, or the item just rots away. Your choice

    Cove Bay Mille Lacs lake MN
    Posts: 1814

    As to the home owners up there, ever thought maybe you bought a home where little to no job exists. If your home purchase was based solely on the Walleye fish in Mille Lacs, that’s just sad.
    I’m all for chasing the dream and living in the beautiful north words, but quit your crying. The rest of us are jealous you get to live up there, and we have to commute on weekends when it’s convenient.

    I have a job, a very good job that allows me to live here and enjoy the lake 4 out of every 6 days. I choose to commute to work, not the other way around. Because of mismanagement, special rules and regulations have been put in place to see if it MIGHT work.

    central MN
    Posts: 202

    You reply that you gladly pay a premium to live there but you want my tax money to do so? Your talking in circles.

    Cove Bay Mille Lacs lake MN
    Posts: 1814

    Where does it say you can’t use the lake? You’ve still got the view. You can go take a swim. You can boat recreationally. I’m sorry, but I don’t think you’re going to get a whole lot of sympathy.

    I am not looking for sympathy, I am just contacting people on this site that have property to call their political representative and have a fair deal for all the residents of the lake, not just the business owners.

    David Blais
    Posts: 766

    On a brighter note, you guys can sell your big water boats and buy 14ft lunds. That should save you about 60k, you don’t even need a tax break!

    Posts: 6687

    Once i considered building a resort/lodge on the Rainy River, connected to LOTW.
    Then i pondered for a year or two what the chances were that the DNR or anyone else for that matter, could allow the fishery to die…be shut down, damaged..whatever you want to call mille lacs….

    And, i decided that the fricken risk of owning a business on a popular fishing destination in MN is down right RISKY!!!!!!!!!!!!! With Mille Lacs and Red as two very close and recent examples. It is too much risk for me to consider a life long plan of owning a resort on beautiful Rainy River. Dammit that is still something i want to do. But i’ll be dammed if there’s a guarantee in this world that those fisheries won’t be F’d up 10 years from now..

    It’s a bummer about mille lacs, property value, and property tax. But how many other places in this world can a person live and not have their property value affected by someone else?????

    Cove Bay Mille Lacs lake MN
    Posts: 1814

    You reply that you gladly pay a premium to live there but you want my tax money to do so? Your talking in circles.

    I am not asking for YOUR tax money. I am asking the state to for a tax break UNTIL the lake can be managed correctly and I have the same opportunities to use the lake as any other lakeshore owner in the state. Please explain how I am talking in circles? The plan is to give business owners 0 interest LOANS to make payments while there is a drop in business due to the states mismanagement of the lake. loans must be repaid, this isn’t free money from YOUR pocket. I am not asking for a loan or free money. You didn’t answer my question from above about not being able to use your yard after 10:00pm

    Hot Runr Guy
    West Chicago, IL
    Posts: 1933

    we have a time limit to when we can fish. 0600 to 2200, from 2200 to 0600 if you want to be on the lake, you must remove ALL fishing tackle from the boat. If the DNR made a rule that the river was only open to catfishing from 0600 to 2200, only because they couldn’t manage the river properly. Flooding is a natural disaster and isn’t a good comparison.

    I’m at a loss to find within the regulations the statement that you have to remove ALL fishing equipment from your boat if on the lake from 2200 to 0600.

    From what I read, the no-night fishing equipment ban expired back on June 7th.


    1. 8-5-2015-8-35-45-AM.jpg

    Michael C. Winther
    Reedsburg, WI
    Posts: 1523

    sounds like it might be a good time to buy a place on Mille Lacs…i hear there’s one or two smallies and muskies in the lake.

    Cove Bay Mille Lacs lake MN
    Posts: 1814

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>puddlepounder wrote:</div>
    we have a time limit to when we can fish. 0600 to 2200, from 2200 to 0600 if you want to be on the lake, you must remove ALL fishing tackle from the boat. If the DNR made a rule that the river was only open to catfishing from 0600 to 2200, only because they couldn’t manage the river properly. Flooding is a natural disaster and isn’t a good comparison.

    I’m at a loss to find within the regulations the statement that you have to remove ALL fishing equipment from your boat if on the lake from 2200 to 0600.

    From what I read, the no-night fishing equipment ban expired back on June 7th.


    I am not Steve, Steve is my cousin. My name is Tom. I read it as all baits shorter than 8 inches must be removed from the boat. From may 11 until June 7 no tackle can be in possession.

    Hot Runr Guy
    West Chicago, IL
    Posts: 1933

    I am not Steve, Steve is my cousin. My name is Tom. I read it as all baits shorter than 8 inches must be removed from the boat. From may 11 until June 7 no tackle can be in possession.

    Sorry for the confusion, and thanks for the clarification on the size of the bait.


    Ben Brettingen
    Posts: 605

    No different than people trying to sell land for deer hunting up North where the deer numbers have crashed. Tax relief? Don’t think so.

    Same story as deer land. That’s just the way it works. Areas become less desirable to own/live in, people move, property values fall, others become more desirable, values go up. Ebb and flow. The way of the world.

    Apple Valley/Isle, MN
    Posts: 614

    I own a house on the lake and I would be stunned if I got a break. Partly because I don’t feel that lucky, and mostly because it doesn’t make any sense to me.

    The area businesses seem to struggle even in good times. If a temporary tax break allows them to survive this situation, the whole community benefits. This is going to hit a lot of businesses very hard. I am not sure if property taxes being waived or lowered would make enough of a difference to keep them going. But it makes sense to at least consider it.

    central MN
    Posts: 202

    So you don’t think this is our state tax money’s paying for your proposed private property tax break? Who exactly would fund the local governments operating cost in your area if you get this magical tax break? They just do without? No the State tax base will either have to cut a check to you or the county, and the township or city you reside in. Property taxes aren’t a State based tax they are primarily administered by the local governing body. Therefor if the state bails you out yes it is my money.

    The "IGH"...
    Posts: 2092

    The notion of a tax break for lakeshore residents on Mille Lacs Lake is pure idiocy. Enough of this foolishness already…RR

    central MN
    Posts: 202

    As for my yard after 10pm. I guess because the water of the state is a breeding ground for Mosquitos I deserve a tax break too. They have laws and regulations keeping me from draining the hundreds of acres of ponds and wetlands so your right I want mine too! I actually deserve more because it starts before 10 pm most nights. Me too, me too!

    See how absurd this logic is?

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12242

    Our property values are going down. There are properties all around the lake that are for sale and are not selling. I have 4 homes just on our dead end street on the eastside. They have been on the market for 2 years now….no one is buying? why the fishing issues, so it not only is effecting the businesses but the homes owners also.

    So, where did you get the idea that property values are always supposed to go UP?

    With the properties you are referring to that are for sale and not selling, I can tell you from experience that it is 90% because the owners are pricing the property according to what they thought it was worth at the peak of the boom in 2007. It’s wrong to say they can’t sell, they just can’t sell at the price they would have gotten had they sold in 2007 and they are living in a fantasy land where that is somebody else’s fault.

    Mentally, many people cannot accept that property values go both ways. It doesn’t matter what you thought it was worth at X point in time, or what you paid for it. Value is what one person is willing to pay for a given item right NOW.

    Many lakeshore owners have bought into the belief that lakeshore property would ALWAYS appreciate at a rate great than a conventional residential house. I hear them all the time talking about what a great investment it is.

    That might have been true for a while, but everything changes. Baby boomers are getting too old to maintain rural lakeshore and they don’t want to live in the middle of nowhere anymore. This has produced a glut of properties on the market in the past 5-7 years and has pushed prices lower. At the same time, busy young professional families who can afford lakeshore, no longer have time to deal with the hassles of ownership, fighting traffic every weekend, the worries of winterizing and maintenance, etc, etc, etc. Again, this has had a chilling effect on prices because the buyer base is not what it once was.

    Sorry, but there are limits to what you’re going to able to credibly link to the walleye situation on ML and demand compensation for. Very few things in this world have simple single factor causes.


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