Mille Lacs Lake Area Fishing Report

  • Gregg Gunter
    Posts: 1059

    I liked the “very dry sense of humor.”


    Thinking about heading to Mille lacs for the first time ever next weekend. Any advice on a spot to launch, place to start, any advice at all would be appreciated. Thanks

    John Rasmussen
    Posts: 6807

    Check with the resorts as the ice is not good everywhere. I was out of Beachside the last two weekends. They were a zoo this weekend. As of now Beachside, Castles, Agate Bay and Randy’s Rentals is who I know is letting out wheel houses if that is what your plan was. Fishing was slow but caught fish both outings. Snow is a bit deep for off roading.


    I was hoping to just walk out somewhere and fish, honestly don’t know enough about the lake to know if that is even a possibility. Thanks for the info!

    Posts: 433

    I walked out earlier this year and we had a really good day out there so you can for sure get on areas that have fish. We had to walk about a mile however which will not be possible with the lake conditions right now. Pull up Navionics and find some decent structure around Isle. Lots of places to fish within walking distance.

    Bass Pundit
    8m S. of Platte/Sullivan Lakes, Minnesocold
    Posts: 2016

    My back is finally doing well enough for me to resume ice fishing and doing my fishing report vlogs. It sounds kind of crappy due to my heater, which was extra loud for some reason this trip. Walking conditions sucked, and the fishing was marginal, but I got out.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22375

    That’s great your back up and moving. Back pains are the absolute worst thing

    Bass Pundit
    8m S. of Platte/Sullivan Lakes, Minnesocold
    Posts: 2016

    I just can’t get on track this year. Now I’ve caught the Rona. Starting to feel better today, so the anti-viral and Vitamin D are working.

    Bass Pundit
    8m S. of Platte/Sullivan Lakes, Minnesocold
    Posts: 2016

    I just can’t get on track this Winter. Now I’ve caught the Rona. Starting to feel better today, so the anti-viral and Vitamin D are working.

    Red wing,mn
    Posts: 1637

    Anyone been out lately? How’s the ice?

    Bass Pundit
    8m S. of Platte/Sullivan Lakes, Minnesocold
    Posts: 2016

    Ice was 16″ to 19″ on the lake I was on.

    Red wing,mn
    Posts: 1637

    I made out there last weekend and it was slow.went out of Hunter’s point they sure do a nice job with there roads, everywhere we set up with the wheel house we had 20” plus of good ice. Talked to some others and they had the same luck. Next time gonna bring a snowmobile and a portable along.

    Bass Pundit
    8m S. of Platte/Sullivan Lakes, Minnesocold
    Posts: 2016

    I took a couple of trips out this week on Tues and Wed. to a small Platte/Sullivan area lake. Set up in 8 feet of water when I saw a bunch of sunfish on the camera. The ice was 22 inches. I caught three nice sunfish on the first trip and only one on the second, but it was a 9″ pumpkinseed with fantastic coloration. Saw pike, bass, dogfish, and bullhead on the Aqua-Vu on the first trip and big bass on the second. Visibility isn’t the greatest with all the snow on the ice yet. I did make trip recap videos on my phone but don’t think I will edit a video. I am out of shape because of not fishing for most of the winter. It was good to get out.

    Bass Pundit
    8m S. of Platte/Sullivan Lakes, Minnesocold
    Posts: 2016

    Here is the unedited video of the March 7th trip.

    Bass Pundit
    8m S. of Platte/Sullivan Lakes, Minnesocold
    Posts: 2016

    Unedited March 8th Trip and the pumpkinseed

    1. IMG_5232-scaled.jpg

    AK Guy
    Posts: 1583

    Repping an IDO hat. Very nice.

    Posts: 603

    I went to Mille Lacs yesterday looking for perch. What a ghost town. I swear we were the only people on the lake. No resorts open. It was hard to even find a place to get on. I used my tracked ranger to get around. It would be hard getting off the lake with a vehicle as there’s a lot of sand that’s thawed out on the edges.

    It it always a ghost town after walleye season closes? Pike season is still open. Where’s a good place to park and drive on? Looking at access on the west side.

    Bass Pundit
    8m S. of Platte/Sullivan Lakes, Minnesocold
    Posts: 2016

    I went to Mille Lacs yesterday looking for perch. What a ghost town. I swear we were the only people on the lake. No resorts open. It was hard to even find a place to get on. I used my tracked ranger to get around. It would be hard getting off the lake with a vehicle as there’s a lot of sand that’s thawed out on the edges.

    It it always a ghost town after walleye season closes? Pike season is still open. Where’s a good place to park and drive on? Looking at access on the west side.

    Rocky Reef is maintaining roads. Randy’s Rental’s Facebook page has been silent for a while. Normally there are posts about the tullibee bite. The last Rocky Reef post was the tullibee bite.

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