Mille Lacs day trip

  • Brian Offerdahl
    Posts: 25

    Was on the lake on the 14th. Had 3 guys in the boat. We were dragging lindy rigs with yellow/gold spinners in 26 to 30 feet of water. We caught 12 fish in 4 hours in the am. We used crawlers and leeches – both worked equally as well. We trolled at .7 tp .8 MPH on the mud flats farthest north on the lake. I hope this info helps! My 3rd time there in 6 years, so not like I know where to go or what to do exactly.

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12551

    Anyone notice what the water temp was?

    Posts: 149

    I saw 81 on Saturday it was flat out there dropped to 78 Sunday with the wind

    Neal Keeling
    Posts: 43

    I saw 78 degrees also on Sunday. Fished the west side flats south of the Garrison ramp. 22 fish caught pulling spinners from 9am to 3pm. Nothing big, most 18-20 with a couple 22 thrown in. Fished the top of the flats 22-24ft. Overall a good time, even though the wind did make it challenging at times.

    Mahtomedi, MN
    Posts: 11066

    Told someone I was heading up there this weekend and he told me that one of his friends that lives up there said the smallmouth fishing was little off because of an algae bloom? Sounded odd to me. Anyone notice anything like this up there?

    Posts: 513

    My trip up yesterday was pretty much the same as the other reports here. Nothing to brag about, but enough action to stay busy all day long. And a surprise of 3 Perch over 12″. More speed was the key though, over 1 mph with Lindy’s, didn’t matter leeches or crawlers, but lot of tail biters that never got to the hook. Never saw any schooled fish to bobber over. Lots of marks at the bottom of the break, but no biters there. Found aggressive biting fish in 23′-26′, if a mark showed on the sonar, a bite soon followed.

    And as for the floating fish, we saw them too, but when one got close to the boat, it was not a Walleye, it was a white fish. So every one we saw after that, we checked it out, and every dead fish we saw (20+) was a white fish, never saw one dead Walleye floating. So I don’t fall for that hype.

    Great day on the lake though, good to get out with dad and son for a 3 generation fishing day.

    Oh, and all the bass fisherman we talked to at the launch said fishing was slow…

    StillwaterMN/Ottertail county
    Posts: 4418

    And as for the floating fish, we saw them too, but when one got close to the boat, it was not a Walleye, it was a white fish. So every one we saw after that, we checked it out, and every dead fish we saw (20+) was a white fish, never saw one dead Walleye floating. So I don’t fall for that hype.

    This happens every year when the water warms. The tullibee(white fish) can’t handle warm water very well at all and they start to die off. People absolutely FREAK OUT saying you should see all the dead walleyes. From a distance tullibee do look like walleyes floating, but if a guy gets close and checks them out 90% of the time they are tullibee.. Thanks for the update and clarification.

    Posts: 129

    I agree with Jon, I prefer a 1/32 or 1/16oz jig head. You get em in the lip 99% of the time. Never have to dig a gut-hook out.

    I’ve saw John Thelen ‘power corking’ Mille Lacs many years ago. I gave it shot, it was a game changer! Especially during the bug hatch when the fish are full and a couple feet off the bottom. Literally drop it right on their nose, tons of fun! I’ve only done it over the gravel but I wouldn’t think the mud would be any different.

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