I did notice that also captain musky. He was the only one that did not thank his sponsers. From my understanding they were not allowed to pre fish the lake for the last month until Monday or tuesday of last week. I think I heard Seth fished it real hard last year around this same time which was totally legal. I also became riveted to the weigh ins and watched all of the second and third weigh ins. I be leave Linders said he was surprised how one of the pros figured out the red door run a 4 mile stretch. I thought oh someone has told him about that. It was also cool to see a couple thank you’s go out to twin pines. They mentioned A Linda that fed them well. It will be quite interesting to see how much business this attracts for all the resorts that are still running up there. I also have a feeling I may be following them next year to watch Seth. The last thing is I think they had a huge crowd for the final weigh in compared to other tournaments