Mille lacs area businesses

  • Walleyestudent Andy Cox
    Garrison MN-Mille Lacs
    Posts: 4484

    Oh there’s fun to be had. Some people just choose to focus on the negative. My family had a lot of smiles on the pond this winter again…….

    Everything I have been saying and advocating drifter! You are the “Poster family” for Mille Lacs at it’s best. bow

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22891

    There are no fish in the lake… everybody stay away.

    StillwaterMN/Ottertail county
    Posts: 4418

    it’s politics, not corruption.

    That has to be the funniest thing I have read in quite a while Grouse
    rotflol rotflol rotflol

    Posts: 65

    Eddy’s is one of the nicest places on the lake. Good appetizers and beer selection. Recommended.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17351

    Eddy’s is one of the nicest places on the lake. Good appetizers and beer selection. Recommended.

    I’ll pass.

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11041

    I heard the Casino will have a full blown liquor bar this summer.

    Can anyone confirm?

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17351

    I’ll need to take your word for it. I could likely find a different bar on the lake if I needed a drink.

    But to answer your question, yes i’ve heard the same.

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12418

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>lancew wrote:</div>
    Eddy’s is one of the nicest places on the lake. Good appetizers and beer selection. Recommended.

    I’ll pass.

    x2 and I’ve heard the service is terrible. The Casino is advertising alcohol now, but again not something I plan to find out first hand.

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11041

    I agree, Eddy’s service bites. It’s too bad because the Bloody’s and walleye sammy are delish.

    Beer and wine at the Casino since January, no good stuff yet.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17351

    Sorry to see you patronize them. sad

    Walleyestudent Andy Cox
    Garrison MN-Mille Lacs
    Posts: 4484

    I agree, Eddy’s service bites. It’s too bad because the Bloody’s and walleye sammy are delish.

    EPG, there are a number of other places I could recommend that have wonderful walleye sammie and a kickin Bloody Mary. smile

    Posts: 9301

    And plenty of pull tabs and hold ’em games around the lake to get by.

    Posts: 7348


    shame shame

    Posts: 86

    If one nations citizens can fish/net and keep walleyes,and the rest of the citizens of this country can not. Is that not racism?

    If one nation can have exclusive property rights,and the rest of the country can not park their ATV alongside that other nation and have the same personal and property rights guaranteed by the constitution. Is that not racism?

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22891

    No, they are 2 nations… different laws. Just no enforced borders on the nations, people come and go freely (not how it was intended) unless your on Red Lake and head south too far… doah

    Posts: 86

    Maybe when the POTUS is done with his southern fence we could get him to turn his fence building prowess north.

    Posts: 63

    This thread really seems shot sided! It is not really fair to pigeon hole tribal business owners for the netting of fish that they may or may not personally have anything to do with. You guys are acting like they are working the system and getting all the breaks, but a short drive through the rez it would seem to me many that many people could use a little income. Many resort/local business owners where living high on the hog for a lot of years and catering to millions of anglers! that pressure defiantly takes its toll on the fishery just as much (if not more) than netting! I love fishing the pond and will continue to do so regardless of missing out on a fish fry at the end of my trip. This is a mess of a situation and both sides have valid augments and both sides could do a lot more to conserve the fisheries and its defiantly to bad that everything has to be about sides!!!!

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17351

    Any abuse the tribe gets they bring on themselves. They have the power with GLIFWC to stop the nets. Stop the nets and the blame goes away from the tribe. No sympathy here for them. I’ll continue to boycott any of their businesses i can. You can do as you wish.

    BTW they can net, just not during the spawn.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22891

    My short sightedness started about 25 years ago… when the nets did. I frequent native owned business’ all the time… Famous Dave’s once a month for sure, comes to mind… I will not frequent business that I feel are part of a bigger scheme by a few to try to make up for running native tribes off “their” lands hundreds of years ago. If something wants to be done formally to try to make amends (which is impossible) then I am all ears. The shady backhanded ruining of a natural resource in order to give favor to them… not so much interested in that. (FYI, the people you see living on the rez do not own any business)

    Walleyestudent Andy Cox
    Garrison MN-Mille Lacs
    Posts: 4484

    You guys are acting like they are working the system and getting all the breaks, but a short drive through the rez it would seem to me many that many people could use a little income.

    Well, they are not only working the system…they are “gaming” the system. With their exclusive monopoly on casinos and “getting all the breaks” as a result of that monopoly…they’re collecting millions of dollars.

    Sure, there are many living on the reservations living in poverty…but obviously a select few are NOT. The tribes maintain their sovereign nation status, that is the foundation of how and why they exercise their Mille Lacs walleye harvest.

    During a time when state anglers are prohibited to fish, they have the privilege to harvest and keep as opposed to state anglers whose harvest is no keep, only release.

    Here’s my thing…sure for many years the resorts/fishing operations prospered. Now, not so much at all anymore. Pull tabs and meat raffles just can’t compete with the casino much anymore with the full fledge gambling. Casino parking lot is almost always filled when I drive by, the resorts, bars, restaurants…they’re just trying to stay in business now.

    Posts: 23

    Question… Let’s say I’m a Native and buy a gas station in onamia would I be subjected to the same local and state operational taxes as a non Native who owns a similar store?

    Posts: 276

    I’ve wondered that same question myself.
    They already on two stations in Onamia.
    It’s a long drive to Garrison for gas!

    East Bethel, MN
    Posts: 11321

    My guess is no. If they can apply their hunting and fishing privileges anywhere, they can probably apply their tax situation anywhere.

    Forest Lake / Lake Mille Lacs
    Posts: 6243

    Sure hope they can’t net this year due to ice. Netting during the spawn, in this day and age, with all the other issues and pressures on the lake, is just disgusting.

    Posts: 340

    but a short drive through the rez it would seem to me many that many people could use a little income.

    Agreed. Same on the Leech Lake and Red Lake reservations. Which I think says a heck of a lot about the way these tribes manage themselves.

    I spent four years at Bemidji State, so I’ve probably got more experience with reservations than most. I had three friends who had their cars stolen, joy-ridden, and were found shot up and burning on the Red Lake reservation. You couldn’t drive up there at night for fear of personal injury and danger. Now obviously the majority of reservation citizens aren’t the issue, but when you have communities where behavior like that is rampant, especially when these communities are collectively receiving tens of millions of dollars a year in revenue and aid yet are still living in these conditions, its hard for me to give them much pity or benefit of the doubt.

    Also as others have stated, the money spent at casinos and their businesses doesn’t seem to be making it to the community as a whole, so that being the case, I’d prefer my money goes towards a small family-owned business, rather than a large corporation. It’s not racism, it’s the same reason some of us choose to go to “mom and pop stores” over big corporations. Shockingly enough, people can make choices that happen to affect minority populations without race being the prime issue. Heck, I have a buddy who went to Eddy’s after the new ownership took over, and he said they had garbage laying in the hallways and people smoking cigarettes and drinking beer in the pool. Based on that first-hand report, why would I ever want to patronize that place, regardless of who owns it?

    Apple Valley/Isle, MN
    Posts: 614

    My guess is no. If they can apply their hunting and fishing privileges anywhere, they can probably apply their tax situation anywhere.

    I don’t think the tax situation applies everywhere. But am fairly sure it does apply on the reservation.

    1. Reservation-Map.jpg

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