Milacs Day House rental?

  • onepine
    Elk River
    Posts: 140

    Does anybody have recommendations on day house rentals on Milacs? I live close enough to drive and really don’t want to spend the night on the ice. Just be nice to have a warm place through the evening bite window till like 9pm.

    Jon Jordan
    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 6115

    Most places run 24 hour shifts noon to noon. (Give or take an hour) Most places require you to book a 2 day stay minimum on weekends. You may be able to make a deal for a mid week short stay. Call around. Might be a tuff deal to find….


    Posts: 37

    I am fairly certian that Hunter’s Point rents out Day Houses. 320-676-3227

    Posts: 15

    Macs Twin bay has Day house Rental (12 Hours)
    $125 for the 8 hole house
    $150 for the 10 hole house

    I spent a day in their 8 hole house earlier this year and i thought the shack was pretty nice

    Rosemount, MN
    Posts: 45

    Lybacks runs 12 hour rentals from 7-7 for $100. Don’t know if they have openings but worth a call.

    Walleyestudent Andy Cox
    Garrison MN-Mille Lacs
    Posts: 4484

    Castaway’s on the NE corner has a day house rental too. Pretty sure Randy’s on the SW side does also. With any and all of the above mentioned…weekends could likely be already booked as everyone and their brother, sister, cousin, mother, wife, kids, boyfriend, girlfriend, grandkids, aunt…uncle…are flooding that lake every weekend.

    Weekday’s, you’ll have your pick ‘o’ places… coffee

    Between Pool 2 and Pool 4
    Posts: 788

    A co-worker rented a day shack from Twin Pines, I think he said $60 day. That’s ridiculously cheap IMO.

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