Lake Erie – Western Basin 06/18 – 06/19

  • Pauleye
    Kalamazoo, MI
    Posts: 5

    Friday my fishing partner and I caught our 2 man limit while pre-fishing for the walleye tournament on Saturday.

    On Saturday due to the high winds we stayed in Breast Bay and near the Fermi. Unfortunately the walleye tournament we were were fishing in was canceled due to the high winds on Saturday, however they let us continue to fish at our own risk.

    We stuck it out on Saturday morning and our four person team filled 4 tickets (20 fish) up to 22″ by 12:00. Waves were a relentless 2-3ft in the morning and then tapered down to 1-2ft later in the afternoon.

    On both days we caught fish trolling with 1/4 oz. rosemary (gold top/silver belly/red bill w/ chartreuse spots) hot-n-tots behind in-line planner boards, 2 oz. bottom bouncers with crawler harness, and stinger scorpian spoons. Most fish were caught in around 20 fow.

    Michigan's Upper Peninsula(Iron Mountain)
    Posts: 4749

    Sounds like you did OK considering Pauleye.

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