Micro tension line release

  • Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13923

    I’m looking for some very light weight line releases. Off the beaten path for application. I need to pop thread into it and have it release with just the slightest amount of tension.
    Imagine 1# test line in it and the pop of a 3” perch could effortlessly release it.
    I took old church releases, put lighter springs in and tried to adjust. Just not getting the consistency I need.

    Any ideas?

    Posts: 1811

    Tuck the line under a small rubber band. Or maybe the old style bobby pins. DK.

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13923

    Tuck the line under a small rubber band. Or maybe the old style bobby pins. DK.

    Tuck the line under a small rubber band. Or maybe the old style bobby pins. DK.

    Tried the rubber bands and that was too tight. I like the Bobby pin idea, I’ll give it a shot

    Posts: 13090

    Yeah I was thinking paper clip but consistency might be hard. Going to let this one rattle my brain overnight and see if a light bulb goes off.

    Rosemount, MN
    Posts: 45

    You can try a binder clip. It gives you a place to tie off on and you can adjust the tension by how much you put in the clip. The picture has 4# line on it and it pulls out pretty easy.

    1. clip.jpg

    Posts: 756

    Could you do something using a magnet? A metal piece on the line attached to the magnet. Lots of options with the level magnetic force in magnets. Plastic, iron and rare earth.

    Posts: 5321

    Couple felt pads sandwiched with a paper clip or similar. A small wood clamp with the felt may also work in creating proper tension.

    Posts: 1287

    Had a friend that used keep a toothpick taped by one end to his rod blank just above the cork. He would lightly tuck the line under the loose end of the toothpick. It worked as a very delicate tensioner/release. Maybe something along that line of thought?

    duh queen
    Posts: 547

    If you’re in a shack, try a piece of masking tape. Loop it around the rod leaving a tab of just a small portion of adhesive exposed and gently stick the line against it. Don’t use anything but masking tape as the adhesives are too gooey on things like duct tape or electrical tape. A single piece of tape will last several days. When worn out, simply replace. It’s not perfect, but it’s cheap and easy.

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13923

    so far the bobby pin is the lightest. Appreciate the thoughts. But still trying to get lighter release.

    This has nothing to do with fishing. I’m making a mouse bomb – I need them to take a baited end of thread down a hole. Finicky little bass turds don’t pull very hard

    Posts: 13090

    Now I am even more intrigued. jester
    Could you keep the thread on the spool like a rattle real almost. Please keep us updated on this mouse bomb.

    John Rasmussen
    Posts: 6807

    Now I am even more intrigued. jester
    Could you keep the thread on the spool like a rattle real almost. Please keep us updated on this mouse bomb.

    Yeo got my attention also. Now go get your man Randy!

    Posts: 4564

    They make a thing called a mouse trap?

    Dave maze
    Posts: 1077

    Step 1: catch the mouse
    Step 2: ?
    Step 3: profit

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13923

    They make a thing called a mouse trap?

    that’s no fun. one at a time??? Considering I’ve trapped about 60 in my pole barn so far, I’m done with the childish games. Going for the entire nest at a time

    Yes, line is still on a spool like a rattle wheel. Can’t do the bucket of water because it freezes. poison is NOT an option

    Posts: 1811

    Use saltwater in the bucket Have to be damn cold for it to freeze, the mice shouldn’t care.

    Posts: 762

    Could you get a piece of flexible pipe from auto exhaust to the hole? Carbon monoxide would finish them, or you could use smoke to flush them out if you can’t get a carbon monoxide source to the area.

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13923

    Tuck the line under a small rubber band. Or maybe the old style bobby pins. DK.

    Well, the trigger devise didn’t work as I wanted….but came away with this. Release is super light!!!!

    1. image-scaled.jpg

    Dusty Gesinger
    Minnetrista, Minnesota
    Posts: 2421

    Rv antifreeze or carbon monoxide.

    Craig Sery
    Bloomington, MN
    Posts: 1220

    Don’t forget to check the drag before you cross their eyes!

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