Lake Michigan salmon fishing ?

  • fishthumper
    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12744

    Some buddies and I are heading out to Algoma to do some salmon fishing. We are looking at one of two different dates. Either the Last weekend of May or the 4th weekend of July. Just currious of what everyone thinks would be the better of the two times. Thanks in advance for all of your responses.

    Joel Ballweg
    Sauk City, Wisconsin
    Posts: 3294

    I’m going to say go with the 4th weekend of July. Much more likely to run into good numbers of King Salmon at that time of the year. Last weekend of May is probably going to be a little early for that time of year when it comes to numbers of Kings.

    Good luck!

    Pat Howard
    Sparta Wi
    Posts: 1522

    I agree with Joel the 4th weekend of July should be better. The last weekend of May can be a great rainbow bite

    Lake Nebagamon Wisconsin
    Posts: 417

    Looks as if you will miss Salmon-A-Rama….the 9th through the 17th. We fish out of Gills Rock and try to miss it. Quite a few extra boats on the water….However, they might stay more south this year due to the World Record brown trout caught last year. Looks as if we might hit it this year. Will be fishing there the second week of July.
    best fishes – jim

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13923


    I’m going to say go with the 4th weekend of July. Much more likely to run into good numbers of King Salmon at that time of the year. Last weekend of May is probably going to be a little early for that time of year when it comes to numbers of Kings.

    Good luck!

    X2 Typical, but not always, Memorial Weekend is known for the choho action. Kings are present, and sometimes in great numbers, but not as a reliable near shore target species. The kings usually really get started he first week of June.

    Joel Ballweg
    Sauk City, Wisconsin
    Posts: 3294



    I’m going to say go with the 4th weekend of July. Much more likely to run into good numbers of King Salmon at that time of the year. Last weekend of May is probably going to be a little early for that time of year when it comes to numbers of Kings.

    Good luck!

    X2 Typical, but not always, Memorial Weekend is known for the choho action. Kings are present, and sometimes in great numbers, but not as a reliable near shore target species. The kings usually really get started he first week of June.

    I’ve always been under the impression that your statement applies more to Milwaukee at that time of the year than to Algoma. (Algoma is where he will be fishing)
    Coho in particular may take another two weeks or so before they are up by Algoma in good numbers.

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13923




    I’m going to say go with the 4th weekend of July. Much more likely to run into good numbers of King Salmon at that time of the year. Last weekend of May is probably going to be a little early for that time of year when it comes to numbers of Kings.

    Good luck!

    X2 Typical, but not always, Memorial Weekend is known for the choho action. Kings are present, and sometimes in great numbers, but not as a reliable near shore target species. The kings usually really get started he first week of June.

    I’ve always been under the impression that your statement applies more to Milwaukee at that time of the year than to Algoma. (Algoma is where he will be fishing)
    Coho in particular may take another two weeks or so before they are up by Algoma in good numbers.

    Joel, I run up to Manitowoc and Two River a lot. Algoma isn’t that much further north than there. Yes, some years they may be a two or three weeks behind Racine/Milwaukee, and others years, just a matter of days. Back when I fished Coho-a-rama in Kenosh, which was early June, we always made the run north and fished the up there. My piomt was specificly that if they did come in early June, they most likely would get in on the coho action more so than getting Kings. However, there has been a lot of years where the young (1-1/2)to 2-1/2 year old kings are running with the cohos in the early summer/sping. Also had years where I was still chasing steelhead in the rivers, and guys were trolling/hammering cohos.

    BTW – Indiana is hot on the cohos right now. Stopped by a couple guys I know before going into Bass Pro in Portage. They were doing pretty good.

    Posts: 1007

    Last year Memorial week-end was great…but it was the exception, rather than the rule. If I could only pick one date it would be the latter.

    River Falls,WI
    Posts: 661

    Any decent places to fish for kings from shore on the lake?

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13923


    Any decent places to fish for kings from shore on the lake?

    Nearly any of the piers of the port cities. Wind direction and water temps are the most major factors that influence pier fishing. Night fishing on the jettis in the shallow water is always a blast. There again, need the water temps to be in the right range. For general summertime, a couple days of west winds can really flip the switch.

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