Fishing is AWESOME right now!!!!

  • jwoda1
    Posts: 2

    Fised 2 trips yesterday 7:00am till 12 AND 12:30 to 5:30, and 1 this morning. Great results on all 3. 16,18 and a 4 man limit this morning. Water has gotten colder near shore and has sucked some fish in a bit, but the 75 to 90 foot band has been best. Thermocline is now down 14 feet so all high and low lead cores produced fish today. Michigan dolphin Stinger has been our best spoon on a 7 color. I haven’t changed the flashers on my rigger and dipsey poles in a month. White and LBB still remains our go to bait. Wire dipseys out 110loc and 125loc. Riggers are set with the deepest down only 5 feet off the bottom no matter what depth I am in(constantly adjusting it) and high riggers down 28 and 45 have been best. Water will continue to cool off and pull some fish in tighter so have fun.Good luck and see you on the water.

    Dousman, WI
    Posts: 1442

    It was a good night for Diesel and me, too. We stayed south of the few boats that were out, pretty much working an area in 80 to 90 foot dpeths south of the main gap. Went 7 for 12, with 2 shakers in the mix, and some kings in 12 to 14 lb. range. Riggers set at 50 and 60 were the most active, though one nice king came on a dipsey. Spoons were the ticket for our boat. Pulled out just before the fireworks show, and got stuck in that nasty traffic for a two hour ride home.

    Dousman, WI
    Posts: 1442

    Out again last night, launching at McKinley and started trolling at 5pm and working 80 to 100 fow east of the green can. No hits, fish, or errors until 8 pm, when the dinner bell rang. Pretty steady till 9:15 with a fish every 10 nminutes or so. Ended up boating 6, and lost one, all kings from 4 to 16 lbs, and all on spoons, in 84 fow. (Same track as last week, Diesel). All but one of the fish came on downriggers, with the oddball on a dipsey. Called it a night at 9:15, with a cooler full of fish for some weekend smoking and grilling.

    Dousman, WI
    Posts: 1442

    Old news here, but finally got around to downloading some pics from June and early July trips. The fish have been snapping lately, and in pretty close, but haven’t been out since last week, and not looking good for the week to come, either.

    Chippewa Valley (Dunnville Bottoms)
    Posts: 1372

    Nice batch of fish. Were heading back over to Algoma this next weekend to try for a few. Thats a nice perch. Are they able to be caught in Mich around Algoma?

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