Fised 2 trips yesterday 7:00am till 12 AND 12:30 to 5:30, and 1 this morning. Great results on all 3. 16,18 and a 4 man limit this morning. Water has gotten colder near shore and has sucked some fish in a bit, but the 75 to 90 foot band has been best. Thermocline is now down 14 feet so all high and low lead cores produced fish today. Michigan dolphin Stinger has been our best spoon on a 7 color. I haven’t changed the flashers on my rigger and dipsey poles in a month. White and LBB still remains our go to bait. Wire dipseys out 110loc and 125loc. Riggers are set with the deepest down only 5 feet off the bottom no matter what depth I am in(constantly adjusting it) and high riggers down 28 and 45 have been best. Water will continue to cool off and pull some fish in tighter so have fun.Good luck and see you on the water.

Posts: 2
June 25, 2010 at 2:20 pm