Milwaukee Fishing is heating up with limits of cohos and kings being the norm. Getting offshore has been key from 100 to 200 feet of water. The harbor is dirty an too warm. 00 orange luhr jensen dodgers with peanut flies in any range of colors have been best fish slightly below the surface. Dipseys set out from 15 feet on the couter to 40 feet have been doing damage. For kings get deeper 40 feet or below on riggers and lead core rigs. They have been on a flasher fly bite. 8 inch Coyote or Hot spot flashers followed by aqua or little boy blue fly has been key. Spoons have been working. All sizes seem to take a few fish every trip. The fish are biting period. Get out there while the fishing is fast and furious.
Jason Woda
Reel Sensation Charters

Posts: 2
May 13, 2010 at 5:23 pm