Lake MI salmon, 7/5 report.

  • z-man
    Dousman, WI
    Posts: 1442

    Made it out on the Big Pond this morning, launching at McKinley at 4:15. Got set up due east of the North gap in 40 fow, trolling to the north. Ran two dipsies, two downriggers, one 5 color lead, and 3 color on planer. First fish came 30 minutes into the troll, and started off with a nice 19 lb. king on a dipsey/blue fox spoon. Number 2 came a few minutes later, a 4 lb. king on a downrigger/ monkey puke spoon, running 30 feet down in 38 fow, just as the sun was peaking over the horizon. Circled back to run the track again, and another nice king, weighing in at just under 20, smacked a silver bullet J-plug on the 5 color lead with only 4 colors in the water, in 42 fow. That fish came at 6 am, and then it died .
    Picked up lines at 7 and ran out to 140 fow. Set lines and washed spoons till 9 am. Marked a huge pod of bait fish down at 100 feet. Dropped riggers to the 100 and 110 depths, circled back, and picked up a screaming 18 lb. king on flasher/fly. Stayed on the baitfish for a while by working the waypoints, but no more hits…packed it in at 10, going 4 for 4 plus one drive-by. Very calm seas this morning, with barely a ripple until later in the morning. My USB cable is at work…will post some pics later on.

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