Fishing Report week of 5/16-5/23 Little Bayde Noc

  • Coffee
    Burnsville, MN
    Posts: 165

    Spent the week fishing LBDN from Gladstone channel to the north end. Water temps ranged from 51.5 to a high of 54, but with the cooler weather playing a factor the temps dropped every day. Fished only during the daylight hours, although many more nighttime trollers were seen this year than years past. Drifted with the wind and a mega size drift sock dragging jigs, lindy rigs with phelps floaters and spinners all worked. By far the the most effective presentation was the floaters with 1/2 a crawler, or sometimes even 1-2″ of meat was all that was needed. Both orange/black and as well as hot pink floaters in the smaller sizes seemed to be the ticket. never went below 1/2oz weight but most of the week,a 3/4oz barrel or sliding weight was needed since we were dealing with
    20-30mph winds all week. Most effective depths were 12-30ft. 16-20ft range just outside the emerging weeds was the more productive zone. fishing was not a hot bite, so you really needed to work for the fish you got. Largest was a 27″ male still dripping milk. most of the fish ranged from 15-18″, with many throwbacks in the 13 to 14 1/2″ size. One thing was noticable, the numbers of fishermen was way down from years past. I really do think gas prices and the economy have more to do with it than the quality of the fishing. next year who knows, since the drive from MN is more than any other expense all week. I m ay have to look right in my backyard.

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