Little Bay de Noc update; 8/03/03

  • tom_gursky
    Michigan's Upper Peninsula(Iron Mountain)
    Posts: 4749

    This report from Cpt. Marty Papke:
    Walleyes are starting to show some feeding activities in the past several days so hang in there fisherman as I’m thinking the upcoming month should show some good fishing.
    Good friends and clients of mine contacted me telling me in the past 2 days they didn’t take any limits of walleye but some good eating size fish between 16 and 23 inches.
    Surface temps. running in the lower 70′ along with cooler air temps. its seeming like the bite is about ready again. The schools of baitfish (alewives) are fading and as many do know we’ve got some good concentrations of bait throughout the bays of emerald and spottail shiners, perch and sucker minnows as well keeping a good choice of food for all of these fish out here and keeps ’em growing!
    Some fishermen were running both bottom-bouncers and harnesses first thing in the morning with crawlers and then switched to live-bait rigs tipped with both crawlers and leeches (leeches worked better towards mid-morning) They concentrated much of the time south of the Black Bottoms working the edge and then running east of the Bottoms to where there is some deeper waters closing in on the Stonington Shoreline.
    Water depths and from 8 to 20 feet of water, yes the water is clear in these areas but doesn’t seem to be a big problem.
    We’re looking at daybreak guys! (low-light conditions).

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