Browns on the Big Pond

  • z-man
    Dousman, WI
    Posts: 1426

    well, today was a good news/bad news day. first the good news…launched at National avenue about 9 am, and trolled the harbor and just outside the wall for the first 3 hours or so…..two fish on but off before they got to the net. Kept an eye on the sonar, hoping to find some perch schooled up, as we brought some fatheads just in case. found an area near south gap, that held a large school of something in about 40 feet. dropped anchor, pulled out he light gear, and worked the area for about 30 minutes without a bite. so picked up and decided to try the wall. tied up next to two other boats, who headed out shortly afterwards. Took a few minutes to get the first brown, and by the time we were done just past 5pm, we boated a dozen in this area, plus a few lost fish. ranged from 2 lbs to 10 or so, on spinning gear with 6 lb. test, split shot, and fatheads. Jigging spoons picked up some fish too, but they were gizzard shad.

    And now for the bad news…..we were supposed to be heading out to pool 4/Everts this morning, but plans changed abruptly last nite (and probably a good thing, in view of the snow). Oh well, there’s always April.

    paul follmer
    any where there biting
    Posts: 152

    I thought the big pond was Mille Lacs
    A trophy walleye factory???

    Michigan's Upper Peninsula(Iron Mountain)
    Posts: 4751

    Green Bay or Lake Michigan?

    Stoddard, WI
    Posts: 60

    I believe that the National Avenue launch that he is talking about is in Milwaukee, I’ve lauched there many times.

    Menomonee Falls, WI
    Posts: 1020

    Well there is always Kosh!!!

    Menomonee Falls, WI
    Posts: 1020

    You could blame MMSD like everyone else on slower fishing, but I digest, opps I mean I digress.


    Dousman, WI
    Posts: 1426

    Sorry guys…didn’t even think that there might be other “Big Ponds” around. It was Lake Michigan in the Milwaukiee harbor area. The National Ave launch is at the river, just before it opens up into the harbor.

    Dousman, WI
    Posts: 1426

    Decided to take a shot at some more Lake Michigan browns today. Started out at 7am, by tieing off to the wall, and drowning fatheads while casting spoons. After an hour of no action, but seeing a number of browns breaking the water surface within eye-shot of the boat, put a bobber on one of the lines and within minutes, had the first brown of the day. And then about 15 minutes later another, but things along the wall shut down. Set up to troll with 3 lead core rods, and two dipseys. Didnt pick up any fish until we trolled out of the south gap, and began moving northward outside the harbor. Boated two browns and a laker, and lost one fish in the next 3 hours. Not fast and furious, but decent action, and a nice, relaxing boat ride. Two came on dipsey set at #3 with 50 ft. of line out, and two came on 3-color lead core, all on spoons, and all in 40 to 42 FOW. Pics will have to wait till Monday.

    Dousman, WI
    Posts: 1426

    Just a couple pics from Friday….bobber and fatheads for Browns on walleye gear….fun stuff.

    Dousman, WI
    Posts: 1426

    …and another, but this time trolling just outside the south gap. Here’s neighbor Darrell with a nice silvery Brown caught on three color lead core/monkey puke spoon in 40 fow.

    Menomonee Falls, WI
    Posts: 1020


    Looks like a nice time of the water. Looks like the fish have scattered with the temp changes. Maybe chasing smelt?

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