Salmon charters near Milwaukee

  • belletaine
    Nevis, MN
    Posts: 5116

    Our daughter has an internship in Germantown and thought it would be fun to go out on a charter. Haven’t googled yet, thought I’d see what I could find out here. Something close to Milwaukee.
    Thanks guys!

    Milwaukee WI
    Posts: 270

    X3 for Jason Wooda and Reelsensation Charters. I have my own boat and fish lake Michigan out of Milwaukee on my own, but if I ever need to hire a charter, Jason would be my first choice hands down. Jason is a really nice guy and flat out catches fish. He has a really nice boat as well. Im sure there are other good charters here as well but Jason handles himself quite a bit differently than the other captains around the docks and is always willing to help out others. I think you would enjoy your trip with him very much. Good luck with whomever you choose to go with.

    Nevis, MN
    Posts: 5116

    Thanks guys! This is such a better route to go rather than just googling them and calling.
    I appreciate your time

    Nevis, MN
    Posts: 5116

    Thanks again, I’ve been checking out the links you gentlemen shared and will book a trip before days end.
    Pretty fired up, thinking June 2nd then catching the twins and brewers that night. Should be a great way to spend a day with the family!

    Minocqua, Wisconsin
    Posts: 3842


    I would give Mike Richow a call… I think he is still operating in Beer City… 1.262.939.7869

    Not saying anything about anyone else as I have never fished with anyone else. I have heard of reelsensations though…


    Janesville wisconsin
    Posts: 149

    Jason does well.Most success is in timing trips out of Milwaukee.

    Nevis, MN
    Posts: 5116

    I appreciate all the input. I’m booked for June 14th with Brew City Charters. Hopefully the Kings will cooperate! I’ll post a report.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18973

    How about further up by Door County? I am still looking for a recommended salmon charter up there.

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