Two Rivers launch is open for Fishing

  • Keith Heberlein
    Two Rivers, WI
    Posts: 340

    The boat launch at Seagull Marina is open to get out fishing. The dock will not go in untill the river ice has all broken up from up river. A few boats getting out starting to catch browns trolling the shoreline. Water temps are still cold and there is alot of debris from the river opening up. The Spanky’s brown trout tournament is this weekend. A couple of warm days can get the browns on the feed. The docks and big boats won’t hit the water for a couple of weeks. The low water will require some work to drop all the docks, but the fishing is not to far away now.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2515

    I’m ready Keith. Thanks for the update.

    Minneapolis, MN
    Posts: 1451

    looking forward to getting out there and getting the boat ready for the year

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18940

    Is that fishery an option come MN opener? May 11.
    We are thinking of heading that way for walleyes.

    Keith Heberlein
    Two Rivers, WI
    Posts: 340

    They do catch some browns off the pier, but the warm water spots are always moving around quickly this time of year, and the fish move around quickly that a boat is the way to stay on the temp breaks.
    We are in WI so the MN opener does not apply, we are on Lake Michigan and there are no walleyes in the area. By that time we should be seeing rainbows, browns, and kings.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18940

    Oops. Thought you knew about the Greenbay walleye bite. Nevermind. If anyone else knows I would appreciate all the intel I can get. We are definitely iced out for our opener and want an alternate trip that weekend. Thanks.

    Keith Heberlein
    Two Rivers, WI
    Posts: 340

    What kind of walleye bite are you looking for? Green Bay is crowded with a 1 fish limit over 28″. Catch lots of fish but all get thrown back. Poygan would be the place to troll at that time, and if your into the river jigging, Fremont on the Wolf river would be a good place to start, keep 5 of any size. The east side of the Bay of Green Bay if you are looking for the monster fish. Good Luck.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18940

    Thanks for the tip. My buddy is also checking with a guide he used this winter for white fish and walleye in the area. Given we all have a 3 day weekend set aside to fish that weekend its hard to tell where we end up. Heck if Red opens up by some miracle we will still go there. Thanks again.

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