DNR Survey on Illinois Coastal Use

  • the_popper
    Suburbs of Chicago, IL
    Posts: 46

    Saw this on another site and figured that someone on here has an opinion.
    “DNR is taking a survey through Illinois Coastal Priorities there are links for different portion of the shoreline. Let them know we would like more access around the lakefront. There are 7 days remaining for the survey.
    Thank you.”


    gary d
    Posts: 1125

    My opinion is I believe there is enough money used in the Chicago and down state lake. I wish they would use some of the money in our back waters that are so fill with weed and sediment. Are islands are being destroy by water eroison and high water. We have boat ramps that the towns have to put in themselves and some don’t have the money to do. When you are a small towns it is hard to get grant money for access to the river. What ramps we do have around here there is a few that are good but, the majored of them are junk. I guess you guys in the Chicago area and down state are lucky to have what you got and will must likely get more.

    Posts: 698

    Is there a map, lived here my whole life never realized we had a coast?

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