baileys harbour in door county

  • hawkihot
    Posts: 10

    I just bought my first boat in 40 years. We go up there yearly and now I will be taking the boat. Any suggestions on finding walleye when you have never fished the area before. Do I look for points, rock structures on topo map?

    river rat randy
    Hager City WI
    Posts: 1736


    I just bought my first boat in 40 years. We go up there yearly and now I will be taking the boat. Any suggestions on finding walleye when you have never fished the area before. Do I look for points, rock structures on topo map?

    …Look for the local boats doing what you like to do. …rrr

    Posts: 379

    I’m pretty sure there’s no walleye in bailey’s harbor, but maybe you could prove me wrong. In door county the eastern side has no walleye, and once you get toward northport/gills rock and south you will start to find some

    Joel Ballweg
    Sauk City, Wisconsin
    Posts: 3294

    Your best bet is to hire a guide. Especially when it comes to waters the size of Green Bay.
    One trip with a guide will teach you more than you could learn in 10 years on your own when it comes to waters that big.
    As the writer above posted, walleyes are generally found on the bay side of the peninsula and not so much on the lake side.

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